Home Again!

SAT., JUNE 3, 2000, 5:20 AM

Yes, o son, you’re home again… but this is the third day… so I had to use the ol’ “itching foot trick” to get you here for a Teaching to “wind up” this time of “being away”. You were reasonably faithful to Our relationship during the trip, but not so in these day of return. Now you’re ready… I presume.

All in all it was a good trip, better in the first portion… less good toward the last. (At least by tomorrow you should write a letter of thanks and apology… and then… just “let it be”. You can’t change what happened. You can only hope that one evening can be forgotten.)

It was satisfying to experience that island, once again, the place where you and Lenore met and were married, these many years ago. You had at least some of the “re-experiences” that are part of your “being there” over the years, and you do feel, now, that this could be your last visit there. You have a fine home-place, here, and you are appreciating it now, in contrast to where you have been.

Though that island would seem to be a more “exciting place” than this part of the mainland (for there certainly are more tourists there than here… one criterion), but it’s hard to imagine living there, rather than here. There was a “right time” for that experience, but that time is past. This is where you should be, now, and you’re happy with such a “time”.

You are pleased with how well this home place has been kept, in your absence… and surprised at all that Bobaire and John Patrick and his family have done to make this “live better”. (You should get used to the changes… AND… you’ll probably, slowly, make some changes of your own, toward “back to how it was”. But… no hurry.)

This trip was a disruption in your gentle life pattern, and now you shall try to re-establish something like what you had. I’m pleased that you heard Me as often as you did, while there, but not so pleased with the “lag” now that you are back to this most familiar Teaching place. (Yes, do get it cleaned up this weekend!)

You have “announced”, to several people, that you are envisioning a more quiet, contemplative life-style, with less need for new, exciting experiences. You have enjoyed an active, “doing and going” life, and it isn’t easy to shift from what has been to what is more appropriate for this stage in this life, as Bob Russell. Appreciate the contrast with Honolulu, associated with your teaching, and coaching challenges, your young family (similar in some ways to Paul, now) and a “life ahead of you” and the now, with little need to accomplish. The challenge now is to get it into perspective, with My help. These Teachings must be your primary Guide to the remaining years of this life.

And I want you to see this phrase as quite a positive one. You are having the privilege of “expecting” the end of this portion of your everlasting life, with full appreciation for how your life has been and little desire to live on in an increasingly handicapped condition. My admonition is to live each day fully and joyfully, some with accomplishment and some without. Accomplishment is just not as important as it once was.

Now the sun shines bright upon your face. It shall be a warm, bright day, a time of early summer here in this home place. There shall be some planning and some doing, but don’t forget the appreciation of how life has been… and is now. Being “home again!” means that you are both resuming a life that you have been living and commencing a new “chapter”, after the trip to Hawaii. These perspectives are not incompatible with each other.

SAT., JUNE 3, 2000, 5:20 AM

Yes, o son, you’re home again… but this is the third day… so I had to use the ol’ “itching foot trick” to get you here for a Teaching to “wind up” this time of “being away”. You were reasonably faithful to Our relationship during the trip, but not so in these day of return. Now you’re ready… I presume.

All in all it was a good trip, better in the first portion… less good toward the last. (At least by tomorrow you should write a letter of thanks . . .

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