Home Again… And…

THURS., AUG. 17, 2000, 6:55 AM

It seems as though this great Durango adventure is “just over,” but the day and date do reassure you that you’ve been home for two days. It is mid-summer here, more humid than that Rocky Mountain site, but still dry (except in your garden, for My words did belatedly remind you that you left the sprinkler on all night… so some part of this home place is well watered). As you are here, with a pile of mail, it is clear that the “travel adventure” is over… and the bandage on your hand tells you that you are back into the realities of “settled life.”

At your time in life, with several evidences that this earth portion may not be too much longer you consider, “Will this be… or was this… the last such away-from-the-Farm adventure? I’ll reply… consider both that it might be AND that there still may be a few more “travels.” Life will be more “settled” now, but you still may have opportunities presented that will have to be considered… and then accepted or rejected. But “been there, done that” will increasingly be your sincere answer.

Your plane connections were just about perfect, but you were reminded of times when some condition or another brought about delays, missed flights, and the frustrations of connecting flights. You are pleased that you didn’t have to experience those hassles this time, for you are quite aware of the adaptability that you once had… and prized… is slipping, slipping…

You feel fortunate that your leaking water heater “waited” until you were home to really start its demise. If you had stayed longer as a “family participant” you would have come home to a more water-filled basement. Thus, it was a problem-free time away, but one small hassle yesterday… something to talk about… even give Me some credit for the “timing.”

Oh, I do not control your life, your actions, and all that happens, but I do affect you more than I do most people. As I’ve told you repeatedly there is no good, cosmic reason for such a relationship, but I have chosen you. All through My timeless presence on earth and among humans I have chosen some individuals – to share life with in a more intimate way than with most. We – Father, Son, and Me (woops! I) – accept many who come to Us freely, but it also is fun to take the initiative and “choose.” I, of course, knew that you would respond to My “offer,” but you did have some free will. Recognize it now when you go several days without a Teaching… when I, and your developed conscience kick in and urge you to return and be a “faithful servant.” You clearly have enough good evidence that these Teachings of Mine, to you, are a marvelous part of your life and quite a record of what has happened… and how I have interpreted these happenings.

Now, obviously, this desk must be cleaned and certain actions taken that such a “cleaning” provokes. There is grass to cut, and other summer chores. You have no church responsibilities, but you feel the need to be back as part of that congregation again. Yet you also realize that you now are “free” to be part of other congregations that also attract.

The Fall semester of the University is beginning “as We sit here.” The quiet of summer is now gone from that campus, and it shall be another year of more evidence that you are only a tangential, “honorary” part of that scene. You certainly don’t crave further responsibilities or assignments, but do enjoy still having a “small place” to be, at least a small part of that scene that was once dominant in your life.

THURS., AUG. 17, 2000, 6:55 AM

It seems as though this great Durango adventure is “just over,” but the day and date do reassure you that you’ve been home for two days. It is mid-summer here, more humid than that Rocky Mountain site, but still dry (except in your garden, for My words did belatedly remind you that you left the sprinkler on all night… so some part of this home place is well watered). As you are here, with a pile of mail, it is clear that the “travel adventure” is over… and the . . .

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