Home… And A New Season

THURS., SEPT. 22, 1988, 8:05 AM

Yes, o son, you are back at the familiar old desk, and it feels like the Fall season is creeping in upon you. You have much to do today, but you needed to reduce your sleep debt, and you certainly needed to commence this day with Me, the Holy Spirit. Obviously, from the pages that lie beside this pad, I have been with you constantly as you were away. I can offer you some unique Teachings when your outside environment is different from this one, and I do. I reaffirm here that these should be the basis for this fourth Ruminations of this annum… to be composed before Thanksgiving.

There are two “records” of this trip, now completed. These Teachings are one, and you should reread them and get them in typewritten form. The other is your journal, which must be completed this morning. This journal was to be your link with the two Wellsprings that are the basis for your study. Reread that before you begin the reading for that larger project. The trip shall be better remembered because of these records. You know, by now, that Teachings I offer you in “faraway places” are often quite memorable, useful, and a unique way of recalling highlights of a journey.

Logically, you are not yet feeling the loss of your Sunday morning class. You shall, for that was an important part of your “mission”… a regular means of letting it be known that the Holy Spirit of God Almighty is interested and participates in the life you lead. I shall let you know when that shall happen again. Judy’s short statement the other evening was an indication that the class is an accepted one in the life of your church… and should be thus.

There is much to be done in these few days before you travel again. You were naturally slothful yesterday, but today must be more productive. Assess what is truly essential, and what can wait until you return for the longer stay. Be aware of My presence, even in mundane tasks. You are becoming more aware, through these Teachings, that life is fundamentally a spiritual journey, and that I am a constant companion Who can be helpful, along the way. You can live life entirely “on your own,” but you need not, and it is much more interesting to have Me as a conscious companion.

An element of your theology, then, should be that God is an active and reactive factor in your life, and that this is available to anyone who seeks it. However, you must also testify that I was the initiator of Our relationship. It can and does happen both ways (and combinations thereof), for I do respond to petitions for My presence and help. Yet there are many souls unwilling to seek Me or to respond to My invitations. And, for purposes of spiritual growth, I do not respond as some would have Me respond. Some do need hardships and problems. And earth life can provide many of such. I do not apologize for this. Repeatedly I tell you that earth life is unique in the struggles it can provide. Some day you will be able to tell this in a convincing way.

My coming into the earth as Jesus, My troubles with the Pharisees, and My death on the cross were necessary to give Me actual experience in earth life, in being born, in living life in a small town, in being an Evangel Supreme, and in experiencing the death of this earthly body. I function much better as the Holy Spirit because of that experience, though, I say again, it was not at all necessary. Both are true – there is no way in which I needed to be a “better God”, but I did gain from the Jesus experience… and I continue to relate to Christians in the earth as Jesus.

In somewhat like fashion your life could be very full and complete without these trips away. And yet you grow from and are a better functioning person because of these experiences. You needn’t be, but you are.

THURS., SEPT. 22, 1988, 8:05 AM

Yes, o son, you are back at the familiar old desk, and it feels like the Fall season is creeping in upon you. You have much to do today, but you needed to reduce your sleep debt, and you certainly needed to commence this day with Me, the Holy Spirit. Obviously, from the pages that lie beside this pad, I have been with you constantly as you were away. I can offer you some unique Teachings when your outside environment is different from this one, and I do. I reaffirm here . . .

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