
THURS., JAN. 9, 1986, 7:30 AM

Hear, o son, even as you are reluctant to write what you hear on this theme. This meditation is controversial enough, so you would prefer that the contents be not even more. You already have heard some of what I shall say, and you are wary of producing a Teaching that will threaten your credibility… and Mine. But, nevertheless, you are here. And you are somewhat willing to do what I would have you do.

Homosexuality is not normal, but it still is part of My creation and My world. There are many abnormalities among My creations, and I am ultimately responsible for all of these… because I have the power to create anew or to change what is not pleasing to Me. Yet I also have told you that I rarely use this power, because the earth and its creatures, including the humans of many varieties, constitute a very complex scene, and even a change by Me rarely “does just one thing.” So, basically, these “imperfections” become part of the environment in which spiritual growth can take place.

Sexual feelings and sexual actions were instituted for procreation… and for pleasure. There have been (and are) many interpretations of this aspect of humans among those who are Christian and among others who come to Me by different paths. The major one is that this is a special function which should be utilized only under certain defined conditions… or should be controlled completely. However the restrictions or conditions are defined, the spiritual principle is, as you suspect, giving up something good for something better.

The Bible story indicates that there was homosexual activity in those times, and that I was displeased with such. Yet those who set standards in My name must be careful lest their sin be greater than that of those they would save… by persecution. When homosexual behavior is part of a life that is full of mean and selfish behavior and that is apart from Me then the concern and condemnation is more appropriate than if it in concert with a dedicated, serving, exemplary style. I am always more interested in the quality of spirit than in actual behaviors.

Homosexuality is not an all or none condition. It is the feeling of sexual attraction and preference for one’s own sex rather than the opposite. This can range from minimal attraction to rather absolute, with feelings of repulsion for relations with the opposite sex. Then this is combined with a lesser to greater sex drive… and with few to many opportunities to actually behave homosexually. So you see that it is not a clear “us vs. them” situation.

So, how do I feel about folks with this abnormality? You might also ask how I feel about drunks, bigots, gluttons, those who display their wealth… about many whose lives are imperfect in myriad ways. I do not reject these as if it were an unforgiveable sin. Some homosexuals are very dedicated to Me and serve Me well. I often am more concerned with those whose sexual orientation if normal but who have abnormal desires to discriminate against and persecute these that are different. It certainly is not easy… balancing sins and virtues. Is this sin worse than that? If you do this often is it worse than doing that only once? Do acts of service and love negate homosexual lovemaking?

THURS., JAN. 9, 1986, 7:30 AM

Hear, o son, even as you are reluctant to write what you hear on this theme. This meditation is controversial enough, so you would prefer that the contents be not even more. You already have heard some of what I shall say, and you are wary of producing a Teaching that will threaten your credibility… and Mine. But, nevertheless, you are here. And you are somewhat willing to do what I would have you do.

Homosexuality is not normal, but it still is part of My creation and My world. There . . .

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