
SAT., JUNE 13, 1987, 2:12 PM

This is a title that represents faith. You saw the word, and it means very little to you, but thus whatever comes forth is of My offering. You must have the faith that I truly am in charge of this relationship and that I can provide beyond… way beyond… your capacities. Hosanna! is a cry of spiritual exultation, which is appropriate to your continuing on with this venture.

Hosanna signifies that the King is coming. But who is the King? What is the coming? Some Christians envision another, more modern, reenactment of Christ’s triumphant entrance. But where would this be? How modern? Who would be present? As the Hosannas! would ring out, what would they represent? What hope? What expectation? As I have told you before, one of the “problems” with a Second Coming is that of the logistics expressed in the questions above? Whatever the details finally selected, many Christians would be disappointed and disillusioned. Hosanna! anyway.

Let’s now consider the more usual and practical reason for Hosanna!… the coming of the King into your conscious being. There was an important reason for the physical manifestation of Supreme Spirit in human flesh, but it did not detract from My Being as fundamentally spirit. I come mostly as Spirit and each of you must recognize and accept My coming and My being within you as a spiritual experience. Therefore when you feel and otherwise discern the spirit active in you, the appropriate response is Hosanna! The response can, of course, be spiritual or it can be verbal and full of feeling. I don’t expect you to remember this and practice it regularly, but… oh, you will recall it from time to time.

Neither of the major experiences you had yesterday was a Hosanna! experience. The talk with Anajean was an important reintroduction, with comfortable reference to spiritual matters, but it was not as fulfilling as you expected. Some certainly felt this after encountering Me, as Jesus, in person. Some expected more. Expectations can be troublesome. The interchange with Willie was the closest to a spiritual conversation in the evening, but the spirit of the group, for the class, was evident. You can utter a soft Hosanna when spirit is exhibited, in any form.

Part of the expectation behind the original Hosannas! was that I would be a successful earthly king and that the perceived problems of daily life would recede, even disappear, as My reign commenced. In like fashion some feel that as they acknowledge My presence within themselves that miraculous changes will occur. A few testify to such dramatic changes (some of these sincerely), which then produce expectations in others. I am pleased when some do make changes which diminish selfishness and self-centeredness, but I am saddened when some just wait for miracles from Me.

I am in the midst of any life to encourage the realization of spirit, to recognize the opportunities of earth life and to develop purposes consonant with these insights. The circumstances of any life are really not very important. Overcoming great obstacles may be exciting and satisfying, but the spiritual growth can be no more real than that from a rather hum drum life. You would not “do better,” necessarily, in a different life, and yet a different life, richer or poorer, could also be a vehicle for much spiritual growth. For that you can say, Hosanna!

SAT., JUNE 13, 1987, 2:12 PM

This is a title that represents faith. You saw the word, and it means very little to you, but thus whatever comes forth is of My offering. You must have the faith that I truly am in charge of this relationship and that I can provide beyond… way beyond… your capacities. Hosanna! is a cry of spiritual exultation, which is appropriate to your continuing on with this venture.

Hosanna signifies that the King is coming. But who is the King? What is the coming? Some Christians envision another, more . . .

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