Hospice Care… Again

FRI., MAY 10, 1996, 9:54 PM

Some years ago, now I gave you a teaching entitled “Of Hospice Care I Approve”. I haven’t changed “My Mind” as to the value of the service, humans to humans, but since you’ve just finished reading the responses of those who chose that test item I’ll comment again… in Andy time, as thunder rumbles.

Hospice is an organization of services of which I, the Holy Spirit, still approve. You have observed that the majority of volunteers, with whom you’ve “been related”, indicate Christian as their dominant perspective on death. This usually means as acceptance of God’s Will in relation to some disease or trauma condition, that Will being that the body will surely die from this state of being.

There is no longer the sense that medical procedures are the only expression of My Will. Rather, there is mostly acceptance that I will not answer a prayer for a miracle… with a life-restoring miracle. There is even some sense that the time for death is soon, but there is still some time for living, and it should be done as fully as possible.

The hospice philosophy does not include the premise that pain is a necessary, even a God-given, facet of the dying experience. I would not be quite so dogmatic. There are some instances, with some persons where the pain experience is My Will. There often are karmic reasons for such, which is then understood and appreciated when the spirit drops the dying body. Those are instances when recollections of pain do bring forth appreciation of the justice that karma represents. Also, some highly developed souls endure a pain experience as a way of teaching and preparing some others, mainly loved ones, for their times of spiritual growth.

But, in general, I approve of pain control. Pain certainly can erode the display of spirit. And, as I have told you often I want the end of each life to be one in which the spirit is dominant. Craig, with whom you talked today, is not yet terminal, but he struggles with a diseased organ, and life is often difficult. This has energized his spirit, making him more aware and appreciative of the life that he has, which he knows will continue. You have been helpful to him, so be sure and continue the connection.

I just recognize that My love for diversity results in some, even many, who lose the power of spirit when pain increases. You noticed that My good servant Mabel, your Mother-in-law, is one of these. Her spirit is strong and developed, and much of her life has been dedicated to Me and the mission I gave her, but when she is in pain she is certainly inclined to depart from Me.

Then I also have to add that your culture encourages this non-acceptance of pain. You have developed a multi-faceted industry to combat pain pharmaceutically, and thus most of you Americans just assume that any pain can be controlled, or at least abated, and therefore every pain should be so dealt with. If you lived in a culture without such an industry you would not have the expectations you have now. I tell you that there are many people, living a simple life style, who bear much pain without much complaining… or they control such with some combination of the mind and spirit.

Another premise of hospice is that the terminal patient should be as much in control as possible. I like it when such patients voluntarily and easily share this control with Me, for I have ways to help one through this end-of-earth-life experience.

FRI., MAY 10, 1996, 9:54 PM

Some years ago, now I gave you a teaching entitled “Of Hospice Care I Approve”. I haven’t changed “My Mind” as to the value of the service, humans to humans, but since you’ve just finished reading the responses of those who chose that test item I’ll comment again… in Andy time, as thunder rumbles.

Hospice is an organization of services of which I, the Holy Spirit, still approve. You have observed that the majority of volunteers, with whom you’ve “been related”, indicate Christian as their dominant perspective . . .

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