How Are You Doing… ?

FRI., OCT. 20, 1995, 11:59 AM

From time to time you need to know how I’m answering this question. You come to Me, the Holy Spirit, at least 3 times a week and you write what you hear Me telling your spirit. The range of My Teachings to you is vast, for I want you to know what advice I want you to have about this earth scene, for use in your present life experience. I have been here “the whole time”, which includes these nearly 2,000 years since the Christian Holy Scriptures were put together, under My guidance.

As you see from the story that comes from My Sermon on the Mount, as Jesus, I can demand behavior from My chosen ones that is impossible to sustain, day after day. So, I can be judgmental, saying very few of you will actually “qualify for” heaven, when you pass from this earth scene. Then I can be forgiving, saying Just ask, in My Name, and you’ll receive. Just knock, and the door will open for you.

I have told you, often, that I have chosen you for this “task”, to manifest itself in an advocacy of the spiritual as a legitimate… and, even, a unifying… dimension of health. Does this mean that you “automatically” will come to even closer relationship with Me when your spirit is freed from a dying body? Or does it mean that you will be judged more severely because you haven’t been all I’ve called you to be? So the question comes again, How are you doing, as a chosen, called servant of Mine?

You continue to struggle, as the slowness of your age increases, with the work of your professorial position, and with what you hear Me calling you to do. (You’ve just experienced a pertinent example… trying to have the Teaching complete by the time for your Departmental meeting and then being interrupted by a long phone call from a spiritual colleague, but about professorial matters. I heard.) The disarray on your “table” in your study tells both you and Me that you continue to fall behind in Our work together. You know My priorities. You just don’t follow through, favoring Me, as much as I would like. Am I being critical? Yes. For I certainly don’t want less of your time and attention.

I come through clearly to you. You have little trouble writing Teachings, and with this I’m pleased. You have no one actually opposing this mystical aspect of your life, and you and I are both pleased with this. The Ruminations are quite good, but they’re usually somewhat rushed in completion and in mailing. I’d like them to be a more “normal”, expected part of each yearly quarter. See what you can do about this.

This next week is a convention week, and that shall bring other kinds of pressures, for which you must be preparing now. And yet I don’t like to suggest that you not relax and enjoy this weekend ahead, as you’d like to. Know that your priority on this trip is to converse mostly with those who are readers of Our Ruminations. If you go to meetings go to ones you’ve chosen with care. Spend more time with “our folks” (another interruption… a phone call from “one of them”, with another request.) You know that time with Andy is important, and I’ll guide both of you in that. Consider, still, this possibility of you both having Teachings from Me, simultaneously. I’m willing, if you are.

The balancing after the convention, should be easier, if you don’t take on excessive, extra tasks. Continue to pare when you can and be wary of new responsibilities, however enticing these may seem. (12:58 PM / 2:32) I still approve of your writing the Church newsletter, and the preparation for your Sunday forum is, of course, Bible study, and I’m not going to urge you to drop that.

FRI., OCT. 20, 1995, 11:59 AM

From time to time you need to know how I’m answering this question. You come to Me, the Holy Spirit, at least 3 times a week and you write what you hear Me telling your spirit. The range of My Teachings to you is vast, for I want you to know what advice I want you to have about this earth scene, for use in your present life experience. I have been here “the whole time”, which includes these nearly 2,000 years since the Christian Holy Scriptures were . . .

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