How Can I Be So Positive?

WED., AUG. 27, 1997, 8:35 AM

Another morning discussion of Revelations, what I have called a “sacred cartoon”. It is a prime example of the mixture of serious spirituality and blessed tomfoolery. In its serious sense it is almost the basis (at least in the New Testament) of the struggle between good and evil… the positive and the negative. Some Christians see this as an ultimate Truth: this earth is still a battleground between satan (and his fallen angels) and God (and whoever He/I can muster). And I always seem to be losing.

I do encourage this kind of perceiving because I do love diversity. I could have created and maintained this earth as a peaceful land of love and cooperation. I didn’t… and I don’t. This means I am either an inept Creator and Sustainer or One Who purposely created a wonderfully imperfect-perfect world.

Being the latter, as you know, I have quite a positive attitude toward life here in the earth. It is a unique realm, and I see much spiritual growth coming from the many interactions of which I am aware each day. Struggling against forms of evil is one way to exercise your spirit, and, basically, from exercise comes growth. If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it is a bit of graffiti that applies here.

Yet as you heard Martha telling of fighting for her rights you concluded that you have done very little “fighting”, and yet you have had way more than “your share” of good things in life. You didn’t fight for courses you wanted to teach, but you enjoyed these last years of your career with just… and only… the courses you loved most. You’ve had a positive, cooperative attitude, and it produced much good.

Now, of course, I guided you into this “condition” of teaching, and you know that it has been “just right” for you. You suspect that if you had stayed in coaching there would have been much more turmoil in your life. I spoke favorably, recently, of what it would have been like if you had stayed on as a Dean at Punahou. It would have been a position of influence in the lives of many young folks, but it also would have been full of frustrating circumstances… and you remember some of those from your one year experience. It wouldn’t have been as easy for you to maintain a positive view of life if you had to deal, almost daily, with discipline problems.

I see this earth scene in a positive way, and I want you to see it comparably. From My perspective the happenings that are “news” are mostly inconsequential. Most deaths, in particular, should not be considered as evil. Deaths are necessary for life to continue as positive. If deaths were greatly reduced it would be much more difficult to be positive about human life as part of the whole panorama of life, here in the earth.

Oh, I do see cruelty and harm that is done, human on human… and to other forms of life. Yet I see much more joy, cooperation, and living positively, and I tend to focus on these observations. I also see spiritual growth arising from many of the negative encounters, and this is the most positive aspect of earth life that is possible.

You look at all of the “stuff” in this office that you have to take back to the Farm or dispose of in some way. You also realize, as you contemplate the future, that much of what you take with you will never be “used”, and others will have to “chuck it”, after you drop this body for a different form of life. Consider this, but I know you’ll still take more than you should. So, I say, think positively… maybe you will have use for all that you keep!

WED., AUG. 27, 1997, 8:35 AM

Another morning discussion of Revelations, what I have called a “sacred cartoon”. It is a prime example of the mixture of serious spirituality and blessed tomfoolery. In its serious sense it is almost the basis (at least in the New Testament) of the struggle between good and evil… the positive and the negative. Some Christians see this as an ultimate Truth: this earth is still a battleground between satan (and his fallen angels) and God (and whoever He/I can muster). And I always seem to be losing.

I do encourage . . .

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