How Do I See The Earth… Really?

WED., AUG. 9, 2000, 8:52 AM

As you read and discuss selected Psalms, in your morning “group” you “hear” Me in several ways. (For I, Holy Spirit, was always involved in the writing of Psalms (even yours!). I have the psalmist declare that there is much about life that is not pleasant, so… what can I, as Yahweh, do about such? I affirm that I have done much to make life joyous, but these actions and conditions are not always appreciated. I seem to despair of humans and their incapacities, but you are still My greatest Creation.

As I have told you often, the earth is quite a special realm for spiritual development… because there is “competition” from the physical body, the physical environment, and from the diversity of life, including human. I have created all of this. I control some of it, some of the time. I let some of “it” function as it will, some of the time. If I wasn’t the Triune God I would be very frustrated with both some of the processes and some of the results. But, remember, I have been “doing this” outside of time AND “for a long time.”

I prefer peace over conflict, but I am fully aware of the many ways in which conflict arises, some of it quite deservedly. Complete peace (if you can imagine such) would be wonderful… but boring. Peace is often achieved at the “expense” of some person, some group, even some nation. Thus, for these, peace is not worth the “price,” and so some conflict – to favor justice – begins.

You don’t know much about The Crusades, but your general impression is that Christian soldiers (like Onward!) went to war to affirm Me, as the Christ, to be a “better God” than some of My other manifestations. It was a mighty struggle for Christians, but, as you are aware, the alternatives to My Way continue to BE and to proliferate. Am I disturbed by these various conflicts? Well, I Am involved, as One Who causes and/or allows. Hence, because I am involved, I both Win and Lose.

Yet I see spiritual growth in both expected situations AND in ones in which I might expect only loss. I am not surprised at this, in general, but I sometimes admit that I do have some surprises… in what “freedom” in humans doth produce. This is much more fun than in controlling and determining every person action and every group endeavor. And why shouldn’t I have fun?

There are many realms in which spirits may be. Most of these are peaceful and non-challenging. You’ve had such experiences, but you have not developed sufficiently to remember these, but you have “feelings” that there are such… and… I tell you this is so. And you know I do not mislead you.

Yet I want you to realize, also, that there is not a dichotomy in realms – earth as a place of conflict and all other realms as places of peace. Rather… remember… I love diversity. And thus, just as some cultures here on earth are competitive and powerful there are many gradations “down” cultures that are simple, cooperative, and not very powerful. In a somewhat like fashion spiritual realms, other than earth, show forth gradations of peace and non-challenging… AND… of some competition and some challenges.

How did your spirit arrive here… in the body of Bobby Russell in a small, middle-class American family? You and I decided that this would be a challenge you needed, and so it all has developed, a combination of “as planned” and “as it happened.” We hadn’t agreed, before this life, that I would come to you in this communicative way. I decided this, proposed it to you (in a semi-mystical way), and you accepted and have exercised your spirit in this special “tangible” way for now over 20 years.

WED., AUG. 9, 2000, 8:52 AM

As you read and discuss selected Psalms, in your morning “group” you “hear” Me in several ways. (For I, Holy Spirit, was always involved in the writing of Psalms (even yours!). I have the psalmist declare that there is much about life that is not pleasant, so… what can I, as Yahweh, do about such? I affirm that I have done much to make life joyous, but these actions and conditions are not always appreciated. I seem to despair of humans and their incapacities, but you are still . . .

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