How Goes The “Future”?

TUES., FEB. 25, 1997, 12:18 PM

I, the Holy Spirit, have told you repeatedly that your role is not as a prophet. I do not tell you what the future will be if… I do not commission you to spread the word (the Word?) in order to avoid disaster. I just teach you about this earth life, as I see it, and encourage you to teach others, at least for a short time, in whatever ways you think best.

This afternoon you shall challenge your Environment class with facts and perceptions about the human population… and how it relates to economic growth, food supplies, water, technologies, politics, and… As you read about all of these interrelationships it doesn’t seem like a very desirable future. Some of My blessings appear to be more like curses. The increase in human life, My highest creation, supposedly, threatens and destroys other forms of life. How do I see all of this? Can’t I do something that will prevent such imbalances?

At this time I still elect to “let the game go on”. There is no easy way for Me to intervene (though, occasionally, I am tempted). Most anything I could or would do to change conditions would be seen as some form of catastrophe… if it meant the loss of human life. Could I increase the water in aquifers so that more irrigation would be possible? Presently “your river”, the Mississippi, is in flood stage… plenty of water heading for the ocean. More human ingenuity needs to be directed toward more efficient uses of natural resources. But nature, the “rest” of My creation, responds to what you humans do. You’re still “winning”, relatively speaking, but more “losses” are imminent. Balancing continues, and I am not sadly “wringing My hands”.

I mainly influence individual souls. I have little to no attachment to human societies. I have told you often that I am no great “fan” of your scientific medical care system, in any of its organizational forms. I relate a bit better to public and community health, but mostly as it strives to retain balances rather than in prolonging human lives.

I do want a sustainable earth scene, but it certainly doesn’t have to be more high tech. Be sure and point out, this afternoon, that your culture cannot continue its affluence if there is to be justice and something like equality for all the people of the earth. Yet your policies will probably be to retain and increase your affluence for as long as possible, allowing other cultures to slide into further poverty, chaos, and death. Neither choice, and the actions that would come from each, would be politically defensible… and I truly don’t see one way as greatly better than the other.

I have concern for the poor, the homeless, and the hungry, and I am not enamored of the rich, generally. Any movement toward some different “balance” will involve actual or perceived suffering. My major interest is in how spirits grow and develop in such situations. Militarily there is no major war, at this time. Do I get any credit for that? What I see, often, is that spiritual growth wanes, somewhat, when there is too much peace and prosperity. Spirits will definitely be challenged in the future… an observation, not a ringing prophesy.

But I am not prevented, in any way, from having an active role in the future. Yet it won’t be a major proactive role. I see the total consequences of My interventions, and the results are never all just as I would want them to be. I work in individual lives… and the thought of this involving billions of spirits is hard to envision, I know, but that’s My “assignment”. I, as Triune God, am still the Sustainer of earth life, meaning that I allow what happens.

TUES., FEB. 25, 1997, 12:18 PM

I, the Holy Spirit, have told you repeatedly that your role is not as a prophet. I do not tell you what the future will be if… I do not commission you to spread the word (the Word?) in order to avoid disaster. I just teach you about this earth life, as I see it, and encourage you to teach others, at least for a short time, in whatever ways you think best.

This afternoon you shall challenge your Environment class with facts and perceptions about the human population… and how . . .

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