How It All Works… ?

THURS., APR. 8, 1999, 6:20 AM

This earth, as I have told you often, is a special, unique realm of life. It is an ever-changing amalgam of humans, other animals, plant life, and “the small creatures.” The sun, the seasons, the water cycle, and many other “creations’ of Mine make all of this “physical” life possible. It “works,” despite complexities that are unexplainable.

In general, folks in your culture see death as an “enemy”… and there are some Scriptures that support this view. However, I tell you that death is an essential aspect of this conglomerate of life that I have created and do sustain. Two of your pasture animals have been sold, and their lives are now predictably short. If you’re going to have cattle you must accept that as new life comes, some other must go – because of the size and condition of your pasture.

You couldn’t have had the delicious leg of lamb on Easter Sunday unless there was the planned death of a young animal, one not “privileged” to have had a life as long and as good as the two you sold. You are planning now to have chickens again (to hear a rooster crowing in the early morn), but this requires time-consuming, expensive work to protect them from predatory animals. In this case, wood and wire protect the animals you want… from being food from other, more wild creatures.

How does all of this relate to Kosovo? There people are killing people, so the “weaker ones” must flee, away from food, shelter, and other life-sustaining things. Some die. Many live on, but with only hope that life will continue and be enjoyable again. I am not in favor of “ethnic cleansing,” as a human practice, but remember that I, as Jesus, “used this” as the way to be the sacrificial Lamb for all humankind.

I was perceived as a threat by the Jewish leaders, and they got Pilate to see Me as a threat to Roman rule. So I was put to death, but, more importantly, I gave My earth life so that spiritual life for you and many others would be better. Using this perception, those who die as the result of Serbian persecution help to save this earth, as a special place for spiritual growth. Because of the increasing number of humans, every death has become an enhancement of the total web of life. This is not the way your culture perceives “goodness,” but this is “the way it all works.”

I often am praised for some “medical means” that saves and prolongs a life. In a few cases this is deserved, for the life sustained does grow in spirit and is of service to Me in his or her continuing life. But increasingly I must consider the “relative goods” as I am called to intervene. Some human lives are more valuable to Me than some others, but I finally must see the Big Picture, the one I alone, as Almighty God, can see.

If My death, as Jesus, was a blessing, then, in a more earthly physical sense, every death, at this time in human history, is also a blessing. Do I, then, condone “ethnic cleaning”? No… but I do see its value, along with all other causes of death. I know this tarnishes My Image as a loving, life-sustaining God, but imagine what catastrophes there would be if I didn’t really “care”! My love for human life is full, but it finally is exceeded by My love for all of life, in its many, diverse forms (even ticks.)

THURS., APR. 8, 1999, 6:20 AM

This earth, as I have told you often, is a special, unique realm of life. It is an ever-changing amalgam of humans, other animals, plant life, and “the small creatures.” The sun, the seasons, the water cycle, and many other “creations’ of Mine make all of this “physical” life possible. It “works,” despite complexities that are unexplainable.

In general, folks in your culture see death as an “enemy”… and there are some Scriptures that support this view. However, I tell you that death is an essential aspect of this conglomerate . . .

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