How Much Activity…?

TUES., FEB. 17, 1998, 7:50 PM

You “had time” for only two Teachings last week, a poor representation of your new, sustainable rhythm of life. You did do a bit of reading in the volumes of what I have offered to you. That was good, but too brief. You haven’t read much, except current news, and I’ve advised diminishing this kind of activity.

But this evening has promise. After a bit of excessive TV watching you’ve listened to music, and then, with a small but warm fire in the grate you come for advice, that will usually include some chastisement but always some positive suggestions for this new chapter of life that you are commencing. A bit of time was spent in your small office, nothing important, but you were “available”. Mostly leave your office door open, as an invitation for some to drop in for a chat. Remember that this is a way I can use to encourage spiritual growth in some of your students.

Lenore was urging you to go with her to the Session meeting this evening. This could have been a worthy activity, but not as good as what you now are doing. Your church is in some form of discontent and conflict, and you’re not sure what this is about… and aren’t too interested. It probably isn’t as divisive as the squabble in son Michael’s parish, but it isn’t an activity that engages your spirit. You are being honest, and though I am somewhat involved in your congregation I am not troubled that you have not chosen to be a close observer of tonight’s meeting.

There has been… and continues to be… much activity at the University in which you could be involved, but you have continued in your comfortable life style of being minimally involved. Your activity in your church has been more evident, but, again, you have rarely been an active combatant in the struggles through the years. And you needn’t be now.

Your major activity shall continue to be the newsletter… and perhaps a Forum or two each year. This is sufficient opportunity for you to exert an influence. If you are rebuffed on something you write, don’t consider offering to give up the post. Just keep coming back, with a smile, some humor, and a resolve to be heard, in this way.

The workshop today encouraged you to some activity related to the finances of your retirement and to your eventual death. With all of the teaching you have done in relation to death I expect you to be comfortable with what you need to do to insure a pleasant “final years” and a well-considered disposal of assets that remain. I know this isn’t truly practical when you don’t now how long you… and also Lenore… will live, but some activity toward the best “conclusion” should be an objective for you in the present and immediate future.

Your loss of your fourth finger as a somewhat important part of your guitar playing is unfortunate, but not tragic. In one important sense it is an opportunity for you to adapt, perhaps as you are considering for classes tomorrow. In this portion of your life as some function fades or fails, the challenge of how to adapt is ever present. You’re a reasonably good adapter. I’ll look forward to some creativity in this realm.

So, I’ll say again: your next rhythm should have a minimum of activity, as this term is used in your culture. You are rarely to be a leader. More often you should be an observer of how circumstances and situations affect spirit and how spirit is manifested. As you become more aware you should become more appreciative of spirit as the major dimension of healthy living. Be aware, also, of how spirit is tested even in situations that not only aren’t holy, but seem to be full of evil.

TUES., FEB. 17, 1998, 7:50 PM

You “had time” for only two Teachings last week, a poor representation of your new, sustainable rhythm of life. You did do a bit of reading in the volumes of what I have offered to you. That was good, but too brief. You haven’t read much, except current news, and I’ve advised diminishing this kind of activity.

But this evening has promise. After a bit of excessive TV watching you’ve listened to music, and then, with a small but warm fire in the grate you come . . .

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