Human Life

SUN., MAR. 13, 1983, 6:03 AM

Hear, o son, as I offer you some insights on human life as this bright day dawns. You must be cautious, for a time, in sharing this revelation with others. It is not that there is any problem with truth, for if you hear faithfully you will have written truth. Rather, the problem is in your credibility for what I want you to accomplish. You will be less effective if you are perceived as a deviant from Christianity. I do want you to be an affirmed and acknowledged Christian… and I want you to know the truth I offer… but I would rather that most see you as relatively orthodox.

All life commenced with My creation. The details of this complex process are of little importance. (This is one of the irrelevancies of human science… seeking to determine how life came to be, as a natural process. Science can be very helpful to human life, but this is a topic where brain power is wasted.) The human body form evolved over earth time, but human life began when I determined that created souls would inhabit such bodies. I created human life, then, by breathing My Spirit into bodies and allowing souls to develop in this unique environment… the physical earth.

Take a close look at My creation. You will see order, of course, but you will also see much diversity. It is impossible for you to imagine, in detail, the diversity, even in physical appearance that exists now in the earth. I shall just affirm that the diversities in relation to spirit are even greater.

The Scriptures of the Old Testament tell myriad stories of spirit forces of various kinds as a part of the story of humans. (If you knew these Scriptures better, and if you read them with attention to such manifestations this point would have more “flesh” to it. Nevertheless, you have no doubts about this general point, as I present it.) Even the New Testament Scriptures tell of non-natural occurrences that suggest that the earth is inhabited with life other than human… spirit forms… and, yes, I am still in charge.

Each spirit is, fundamentally, a fragment of Me, the Holy Spirit. But as each fragment departed from My Being (or so it seemed) it assumed the guise of individuality. Opportunities to develop were… and are… many, but the spiritual “secret” that must be discovered, quickly or over longer struggles, is that the way of growth is in serving others, in helping others, and in relating ever more closely with Me. Out of such comes the realization of ultimate relationship, and, finally, the acceptance of at-oneness with Me and with all other spirits. As fragments return My being is enriched, even though this is not necessary. Remember… creation is not necessary, but I am an active Lord… of life.

The fundamental diversity in human beings is in spiritual development, in both eternal terms and in present life realization and practice. Some souls have been in the earth numerous times; some of these have made much progress, but others have made less… to little. In contrast, some are here for the first time, with much spiritual maturity, developed in other realms.

SUN., MAR. 13, 1983, 6:03 AM

Hear, o son, as I offer you some insights on human life as this bright day dawns. You must be cautious, for a time, in sharing this revelation with others. It is not that there is any problem with truth, for if you hear faithfully you will have written truth. Rather, the problem is in your credibility for what I want you to accomplish. You will be less effective if you are perceived as a deviant from Christianity. I do want you to be an affirmed and acknowledged Christian . . .

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