Human Life!?

FRI., AUG. 31, 2001, 7:59 PM

You just have watched a familiar television program, dealing with what hospitals should do… sustain life. Yet this was a “situation” in which the capacities of the medical care facility were used to almost… or was it actually… take a life. I’ll let this raise the vital question that I increasingly offer you: how vital is this system which sustains life and actually brings back bodies (and minds and spirits, you presume) from “the dead”?

You, of course, now have such a “system,” and though it doesn’t “work perfectly” it does sustain lives, even many who must live on with much medical assistance. Yes, I did guide you away from this system, not with difficulty, because, in your pre-college years, you were not one “dedicated” to prolonging lives. You are pleased that you did not enter the medical profession (though the recompense would have been enticing), and that your life was one, mainly, of encouraging positive health.

Now you do see that this saving and prolongation of human earth life, though it appears to be of value and of “what I want” is, increasingly, in opposition to what I desire for this earth… and you humans.

How… and why… can I say this? Because human life and activities are increasingly detrimental to the web and balance of all life on this planet. Your life and your lifestyle, is only a minor contributor to this unsustainable balance, but these are still “your folks.” You see more “normal” American life portrayed on television, almost nightly, and, though you accept this as “normative,” you wonder how long it will be sustainable.

The Biblical “story” doesn’t give you much help in making judgment on this. All of what you read took place many, many years ago, and, importantly, before most of the technological “progress” that is behind your culture… and others who “aspire to be as advanced as you are.” It is quite a “trick” to read portions of Holy Scripture and then try to see how this applies to folk in your culture, your era, your “self.”

There is much more human life than there has ever been on this “small” planet… certainly much more than the “folks” of both the Old and the New Testaments were… or could imagine. Yet now there is much in the way of skills, technologies, and experience that can, and does, prolong human life and the human “vision” that life should and will continue in this additive way.

Then I’ll say that I can’t be a consistent critic, for I do see that some who would not be conceived, born, and allowed to mature are quite fine servants of Mine, working for some of My purposes, here in the earth.

Your son, John Patrick, is a “third son,” the beginning of your “departure” from “reproducing yourselves.” You were “challenged” by his teenage years, but you are pleased with his life now… (though you would be more pleased if he were able to support his family!). You have had the experience of two of your five sons dying early in life, but you still count 14 grandchildren, 7 for each of you and Lenore and almost an average of 5 per living son. You feel both RICH, with such a number of “descendants” AND chagrined that you are contributing to this on-rushing “problem.”

You wonder how I would feel about diminishing “modern” medical procedures and letting the “best adapters,” in humans, become the future population. I have considered that, (though I have no “natural way” of achieving this)… and it is one future possibility. You have benefitted from your culture in many ways, but you also realize that the range of Americans (of which you are a part) is not My ideal basis for what would be a more sustainable human race. I certainly prefer Christians, but many of you have lifestyles of which I am not happy.

FRI., AUG. 31, 2001, 7:59 PM

You just have watched a familiar television program, dealing with what hospitals should do… sustain life. Yet this was a “situation” in which the capacities of the medical care facility were used to almost… or was it actually… take a life. I’ll let this raise the vital question that I increasingly offer you: how vital is this system which sustains life and actually brings back bodies (and minds and spirits, you presume) from “the dead”?

You, of course, now have such a “system,” and though it doesn’t “work perfectly . . .

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