Human Potential

OCT. 28, 1981, 5:09 AM

You heard a lecture on this theme last evening, o son, and you knew that it was time for another teaching from Me, so hear, this morning, what I have to say about human potential. (Be sure, also, that you do take time to hear the tapes of the portion of the John classes that you missed. I just want you to know that Gospel quite well.)

Yes, humans come into this earth with much potential. It is never possible to be sure, as you assess yourself, or any another, how much has been achieved and how much lies undeveloped. There is potential in all of the realms or dimensions of being… and then potential for the aggregate… the total self. The speaker focused mostly upon the mental potential or the possibilities for learning. True, these are usually greater than any individual develops, and it is unfortunate when parents or the school do not encourage the learning in the child that is possible. On the other hand, you have encouraged Matthew in learning endlessly, seeing his potential not being realized, and he has been unwilling to achieve as he could. The final responsibility is with the individual. Always remember, each of you chose to come into the earth. No person is just a chance biological event.

But for this meditation let Us focus on the potential in relation to the spirit. What do I have to say about this most important component of being? First, know that there is the most potential for spiritual development and the least variation among individuals. That is to say, each individual could develop tremendously in spirit… each has great potential. The events of life are so numerous, and in each there is potential for spiritual functioning and, therefore, growth.

Take this one, that We are doing now, as an example. You have established the pattern for hearing Me and recording My teachings. You went through times of doubt and of difficulty in hearing. But you persisted, and now you have developed so that hearing Me is relatively easy. The teachings are enlightening and helpful, and they are a mighty boost along the path toward achieving your spiritual potential. But you do not avail yourself of them as often as you could. And you do not spend much time in reviewing them for learnings that escaped you in the first hearing. You have taken the opportunity of teaching from the meditations and of using them for your Ruminations. These are potentials you are realizing, and I am pleased with these. Yet the potentials for your spiritual attainment remain many. I accept and applaud what you do and yet point on and say, “There’s more ahead”.

OCT. 28, 1981, 5:09 AM

You heard a lecture on this theme last evening, o son, and you knew that it was time for another teaching from Me, so hear, this morning, what I have to say about human potential. (Be sure, also, that you do take time to hear the tapes of the portion of the John classes that you missed. I just want you to know that Gospel quite well.)

Yes, humans come into this earth with much potential. It is never possible to be sure, as you assess yourself, or any another, how much . . .

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