Human Potential

THURS., MAY 22, 1986, 7:14 AM

Are there limits to what any human can do? Certainly, yet there is a marvelous range within which “human potential” can operate. Limits are there somewhere, but a person may be able to go beyond what anyone expects, including self. Particularly when a person has her or his hand in Mine, human potential increases, and accomplishments may be astounding. Hear, o son, a Teaching from the Holy Spirit (for you do have the potential to receive it).

The story you heard and saw last evening was one that highlighted human potential. A young man had physical capacities that seemed to be beyond his potential. From whence did such come? There is always the possibility that the strictly human potential is increased by help from other sources. Already I have indicated that I am one such source. I love to encourage human potential… for important functional purposes… and for no apparent purposes at all. I have told you that I am not truly big on miracles, but this of which We speak this morning is usually short of a true miracle. I just help a person “reach down inside” and come up with action that may seem miraculous, but which is still within human potential.

And then there are other spirit helps. A range of helping spirits are part of the earth plane despite the fact that this seems a realm for humans only. Names are not important. You have heard of angels and devas. There are others, but it is not important that you differentiate. Just appreciate the help that is available.

The major task of angels is to increase and make evident human potential. Some angels have been humans, some will be “in the future,” and some have not and never will be. Capacities are not determined by these differences. Each has certain advantages.

Since most humans do not expect to have their human potential increased by angelic action they are not aware of the presence of this help. You have been helped on a number of occasions (some of which you can imagine), but you have had no real awareness or “acceptance” of this help. Even now what you attribute to Me is sometimes angelic help… but angels don’t mind that I am given the credit. We’re all in the same family, certainly.

You see, the help to you from another person may be that of the person plus angelic or other outside spiritual help. And thus it is with you. Your potential to help others is increased by powers from without, even as they seem to work from within. You have progressed along your spiritual path sufficiently to be accepting of the fact that reality is often much beyond what it seems to your senses and what your culture defines and accepts.

This is “good knowledge,” which allows you to see the world in a wider way and appreciate both the limits and the expansion of limits which are aspects of human life. You have fairly accurate perceptions of your own capacities, but you need not think that your potential beyond these capacities is limited by your age. You still have the potential for great and wonderful acts, even as you are rather far from youth.

THURS., MAY 22, 1986, 7:14 AM

Are there limits to what any human can do? Certainly, yet there is a marvelous range within which “human potential” can operate. Limits are there somewhere, but a person may be able to go beyond what anyone expects, including self. Particularly when a person has her or his hand in Mine, human potential increases, and accomplishments may be astounding. Hear, o son, a Teaching from the Holy Spirit (for you do have the potential to receive it).

The story you heard and saw last evening was one that highlighted human potential . . .

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