Human/Spiritual Interacting

SAT., MAY 6, 1989, 5:35 AM

The classes you have had this semester have been completed, except for the reading of finals, and a few stray papers. As expected, these were fine classes, with a lot of spirit in evidence. You are conducting these groups about as I desire, and I urge you to continue in this way. It is “the way” for you in these remaining years.

Now comes the short course focusing on the Wellspring now called human/spiritual interacting. You are concerned about numbers. Never fear. It shall be sufficient to qualify as a small class. And this shall be a better class with a smaller number. Still, it would be good to have the flyer available.

I urge you to try, for awhile, the process form of this wellspring. This focuses on the continuing process of interacting rather than on interactions past. The stress should be on this ongoing phenomenon – interacting that is evidence of health relationships and that is a continuing means of developing this aspect of self, which contributes to overall well-being.

Just as nutritional balancing is a continuing process, so, also, is the relating with others and with spirits in many forms. Health, as a result of this Wellspring, can be gauged by both the quantity and the quality of these interactions and of the continuing process. It can be assessed at any one time, but the process continues, even during the assessment.

You are not very often aware of the multiple nature of this Wellspring, and it is not necessary that you be such. You can be interacting with another person or persons, at both social and spiritual levels, with your own spirit, and with Me, all simultaneously. You regretted that the interacting with Liza yesterday was mostly at the social and professional levels, without comments and questions that would have taken you all three into more spiritual realms. After all this instruction from Me you still miss these opportunities. But, as you see, I keep “coming back.”

Yesterday afternoon you were interacting with the beauty of Peter’s Park, with your own spirit and also Peter’s, and also with your two dogs. Never feel that those are wasted moments, even as nothing tangible is being accomplished. To be quietly interacting in these ways is an aspect of health just as important as the exercising that preceded it. And the balancing of these is itself an evidence of health.

The balancing of awareness and non-awareness is also an aspect of health. It is less healthy to be unaware of all such myriad interactions and the ongoing process. It also is less healthy to be overly aware of and excessively concentrating upon these relationships. Be sure to emphasize this in the class early, with reinforcement during the two weeks.

Your interactions with Me, the Holy Spirit, are ongoing and mostly not at the conscious level. You know this, and hence you can become personally involved at any moment. I am with you, both internally and externally. I am a part of your spirit, even as I interact with it as if I were not. Your body, mind, and spirit are integrated into a being, and yet they also can be seen as separate and clashing with one another. Yesterday morning your body and mind prevailed, and you stayed in bed rather than arising for a Teaching. Today your spirit, with prodding from Me, prevailed, and you are feeling fulfilled rather than deprived of sleep. Good.

SAT., MAY 6, 1989, 5:35 AM

The classes you have had this semester have been completed, except for the reading of finals, and a few stray papers. As expected, these were fine classes, with a lot of spirit in evidence. You are conducting these groups about as I desire, and I urge you to continue in this way. It is “the way” for you in these remaining years.

Now comes the short course focusing on the Wellspring now called human/spiritual interacting. You are concerned about numbers. Never fear. It shall be sufficient to qualify as a . . .

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