Human/Spiritual Interacting, Again

TUES., MAY 24, 1994,7:07 AM

How many Teachings do you suppose I have sent your way with this very theme and title? So I could just send you back to earlier volumes, but, instead, I’ll speak to you anew on a familiar topic. Your workshop has begun, and with it the challenge to make this Wellspring “live” for this group of learners. Naturally you’ll remember that this title refers to the content and also the way this will be conducted, as a class group.

There was good interaction yesterday, as you expected. Now you shall have to vary the pairings, so that each becomes more comfortable with at least several others in the group. Ideally, by the end each would have had some experience with at least one other (no, your attention is poor today… listen with your spirit)… with each other individual. Set this as a goal for yourself as the “organizer,” and ask each to set it as a goal for self.

You presented a number of ideas yesterday, and even though these were processed fairly well, they should all be reviewed today. You know this Wellspring concept… and this particular Wellspring quite well, but at least half the group has encountered all of this for the first time. Be aware and appreciative of the gap between you and these “novices,” particularly from disciplines other than health education. Be sure to welcome each of these outsiders back to the class today. That’s part of the “application” of the Wellspring.

Let the group know that a major functional goal is for each to feel included, and for each to include each other group member. You can “force” this by reseating on some days or for some activities, having them apply the Wellspring to themselves, and to others.

Yes, it is “touchy” to get into the more spiritual facets of the ‘Spring, but you suspect that some would share rather freely, which is the best impetus for further sharing. Begin this process slowly, but don’t hold it back. Judge when you’ll reveal yourself, as part of the “process.” Work from the forms they filled out yesterday. Have them make bubble diagrams of themselves, and then see how this affects group spirit. (Stop now, and add some before and after today’s class. 7:50 AM)

9:06 PM. There was good spirit in the group today. Sending them out in groups was good for spirit building. And now they’ll be in yet new groups tomorrow… and then on Friday. For just 2 days the spirit is building well. Yes, you realized that for discussions the last one the group should be in a circle, and the room is perfect for that. Institute that tomorrow.

You introduced an important “distinction” in human/spiritual interacting… that between spirit which emanates from inside of you (in effect, your spirit speaking above your mind) and Me, speaking from within you, to your spirit and overriding your intellectual and emotional responses. My response is that it could be either. You know when I speak, but many others, even devoted Christians, often can’t discern My messages. Often it makes no difference, for the individual’s spirit is quietly in touch with Me, and sends the same message I would send. Occasionally this “voice form within” gives bad advice, but I try to counter such, when it is to the person’s advantage. Sometimes there just is the need for a harming experience. It may seem unnecessary, but… sometimes…

TUES., MAY 24, 1994,7:07 AM

How many Teachings do you suppose I have sent your way with this very theme and title? So I could just send you back to earlier volumes, but, instead, I’ll speak to you anew on a familiar topic. Your workshop has begun, and with it the challenge to make this Wellspring “live” for this group of learners. Naturally you’ll remember that this title refers to the content and also the way this will be conducted, as a class group.

There was good interaction yesterday, as you expected. Now you . . .

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