Human/Spiritual Interacting: More Thoughts

SAT., MAY 3, 1997, 6:20 AM

In a bit more than two weeks you shall embark upon another “last” – the summer workshop with the long title… focusing on the spiritual as the essence of health. It has been 3 years since you did this last… in May, just after the operation on your back. You were determined to conduct that class, and it was a good one, as all the previous ones were. Now you have a last chance coming up, with some of your most spiritually interested majors already looking forward to the adventure. Without finals to soak up your time you can begin the planning for this, even today.

The essence of this Wellspring is the interacting process that you humans experience… your spirit with the spirits of other persons and with the several other manifestations of spirit, including with Me, Holy Spirit. Your problem will not be one of “filling time,” but one of selection of which proven activities and in what sequence. You have the folder representing the 1994 class. Be sure and look at the earlier ones, also. For this must be experiences in human/spiritual interacting, not just words about this Wellspring. And don’t limit yourself to what you have done. Continue to exercise your creativity.

I encourage you to be more open and sharing about your own spiritual path and journey, probably at the end of the first week. The emphasis should be on My love for diversity, particularly in spiritual paths. You have been influenced, and you are now a potential, and often actual, influence. You shall not advise them how to believe and be but only how you see life and this wonderful profession of educating, with spirit as a conscious, active “participant.”

And yes, o son, you shall look back over the Teachings from past years, and, Ole!, you shall have the material for this next Ruminations… from Me, but with the workshop as this “last manifestation.” You can envision it developing already… with some of the June experiences in Hawaii also included. Yet it still must be within 7 pages.

Yesterday you were struck again with how far you have “moved” from health as a science. In comparison with botany, where one must know names and terms galore, along with relationships and processes – the knowledge of the field – you see your field in much simpler, and yet deeper, terms. Botany is about names and processes. Health is about relationships and interactions, with a minimum in “names” and peculiar terms.

As you begin to organize this experience-to-be, know that this process must be one of spirit, not just of intellect. Go over, yet again, the potential writing assignments, improving them, if possible. Involve them in processes of planning, in the hopes that even one of them may develop something comparable in their ongoing careers.

You heard testimonies, during the last Death Education class here, about the emotional and spiritual “content” of this course experience, even with the class twice as large as you would have liked. In two weeks can you create interactions that will bring forth comparable expressions of feeling? This is your delightful task for this month.

Consider the contrast of conducting this “adventure” as you and I envision it with teaching a botany course, pushing students to learn more and more terms. Each is important, but what I’m having you do has value for eternity, for you and for those who come to you for learning. Be sure and introduce, and revisit, your concept on mutual learning, with the addition of learning from Me and other spirits. Botanical names… life experiences, analyzed and re-experienced. What a contrast.

SAT., MAY 3, 1997, 6:20 AM

In a bit more than two weeks you shall embark upon another “last” – the summer workshop with the long title… focusing on the spiritual as the essence of health. It has been 3 years since you did this last… in May, just after the operation on your back. You were determined to conduct that class, and it was a good one, as all the previous ones were. Now you have a last chance coming up, with some of your most spiritually interested majors already looking forward to the adventure. Without finals . . .

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