Human/Spiritual Interaction

FRI., SEPT. 25, 1981, 5:08 AM

You had the selfish feeling, o son, that the development of this statement on human/spiritual interaction was yours alone to develop. Well, it is, to some extent. You are not to call on Me for words in every task you have, but I am willing to add some thoughts and validate others that you have had. It is time for a more complete statement… and you were reasonably open to My making this contribution at this early-morning lesson time.

First, the idea you just were formulating is the best one so far… that this concept is not represented on a continuum, but by relatively separate types of experiences. Any individual, then, can have experiences in any number of these contexts, from one to all. The frequency of the interactions may vary, as may the quality of each experience. Now… all of this needs some illustrations… certainly!

Let’s start with the ultimate spiritual experience, and I want you to advocate this, even in a professional context. It is, of course, personal relationship with Me, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God. (Sometimes the relationship is with Me as Jesus… for some people this is a more important interaction, and I come as the person, Jesus. We are essentially the same, really. Don’t bother with trying to differentiate.)

First, any soul having a personal relationship with Me may also be having experiences in the other facets of interaction… some or all. Most would be experiencing plain human interaction… “what time is it?” “pass the salt, please”. Most also would admit to both ongoing and situational human interactions with a spiritual quality… love of a parent, spouse, or child… feelings of integrity in a business or professional relationship… honor as a factor in an agreement with another.

Many can recall… and thus can anticipate… spirit-enhancing experiences with animals or with the physical world, natural or created. Encounters such as a love relationship with a pet cat or dog… the thrill of a sunrise over a mountain lake… the wonder of Union Square at noon on a day in early Fall… a great organ concert… such do touch and enhance the spirit in ways that go beyond the emotions. The experiences are like emotional ones, but anyone with a concept of spirit can differentiate.

A few, Americans, will have relationships with disembodied spirits. Some will be ongoing encounters with spirits whose bodies have died, those known in the earth and those not. As I have told you, the spirit world is incredibly vast and varied. I try to keep the interaction with humans to a minimum, but I am not willing to prevent all encounters, for some are very positive and helpful. Consequently, there are some bad… destructive interactions with spirits not attuned to Me. Unfortunate, but part of this whole picture. (Include the fact that spiritual experiences, like physical and mental ones, can be challenging… even devastating… as well as enhancing of spirit.)

Some have a sense of relationship with My Majestic, Creative, Controlling, but impersonal self… the Lord God. Some prefer this because it is an awesome experience, but not a personal, involving one. They want and have a relationship with God, but in a vague, indistinct way.

Finally, the ultimate human/spiritual interaction is with Me, the moving, communicative, counseling, teaching Holy Spirit. As Jesus I promised Me to you, and you certainly know that I have kept this promise. I am the ultimate experience, because I directly affect your spirit. I give you a definite sense of My realms, and I teach you of spiritual matters beyond the Scriptures. But also I urge you toward selflessness in your living and toward giving relationships with others. I urge you to perceive the spirits of others, to be aware of and appreciate the interchanges between the realms of spirit and the human one. Tomorrow I shall continue, talking about frequency and quality. It is fun to be doing a “Special”.

Good morning!
6:13 AM