Human/Spiritual Interaction, Again

FRI., APR. 12, 1985, 8:28 AM

Hear, o son, for you have not availed yourself of this ultimate in human/spiritual interaction for many mornings. Hear, o son, as I offer you insights both from without and within, for I am both wholly other and an integral part of your inner being. You have accepted Me as this part of your being, and even though you ignore Me I remain, for I am perfect love. If you should forcefully and repeatedly reject Me I might depart, but since that isn’t at all likely, I shall speak of it no more.

You spoke last night of human/spiritual interaction, a good concept. It shall be the theme of your summer workshop, and that isn’t truly far off, so you must begin to prepare. That is a task you must do well, and an experience you must then publish. (Yes, I know that the publishing opportunities do pile up, but you are too old and experienced to be overwhelmed.)

In this Teaching I shall talk of the interaction of spirits, in human form and otherwise. You are not exploring this aspect of human interaction as you should, and I offer you continuing opportunities. (Please finish this Teaching as I give it and then make your own list of “projects” and priorities.)

Spirits naturally interact. You see, spirits know that they are all ultimately one, and that oneness is in Me, but they accept their apparent individuality in order to help one another, as a vital part of My plan. (If you should say “why all of this?” I reply, “Because I want to share Myself with others… so I create.”) In human form you see individuals helping others, and the contrast of individuals exhibiting concern only for self or actually harming others. And there are usually mixtures: your nation has a benevolent spirit, but this is sometimes overshadowed by greed, self-centeredness, and an apparent willingness to destroy those who would oppose you. An ambivalent spirit, certainly.

You can feel the spirit in certain people, even as you meet them initially and casually. This ability to feel and to recognize is one that could be developed more fully, simply by being more aware, more conscious, more appreciative of these interactions. This doesn’t mean that you will develop each interaction into a close friendship or relationship. That isn’t necessary, but it is possible, just know this.

When you write this next Ruminations you will focus on the spiritual interactions in these stories as well as in how I have interpreted them to you. I shall certainly help with this letter, but you must do the preparation. It, as established, shall be a joint venture between us, but I am the advisor and you are the producer.

You are developing this concept well, and you are improving at living it. Know that it applies to all living “things’, even though it originates and has its highest development in human and in human-spiritual interchanges. You are feeling spirit in your animals, but you have not yet appreciated this interaction in your plants. Listen to your little song and know that it speaks truth. Bless those seeds.

FRI., APR. 12, 1985, 8:28 AM

Hear, o son, for you have not availed yourself of this ultimate in human/spiritual interaction for many mornings. Hear, o son, as I offer you insights both from without and within, for I am both wholly other and an integral part of your inner being. You have accepted Me as this part of your being, and even though you ignore Me I remain, for I am perfect love. If you should forcefully and repeatedly reject Me I might depart, but since that isn’t at all likely, I shall . . .

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