Humans: My Creation

TUES., DEC. 22, 1987, 8:34 PM

Perhaps I can count this as a tradition – this committing yourself to an every day Teaching in this time before Christmas. In the last weeks of a term you tend not to come often to learn from Me, so this more-often-commitment affords a good balance. I like your willingness to follow through when you do pledge. Keep it up!

You and Sue talked about many kinds of people today, and I shall follow up on this theme. I created humans BOTH as the epitome of functioning animals AND as a form of life that much live in harmony with all other life forms. When I said, in that mystical beginning “Be fruitful and multiply,” it was a necessary admonition. I speak differently now, for humans are straining the balance of the nature I created and manage.

An important tenet of some rather conservative interpretations of the Christian faith is that all humans are sinful creatures, because of the joint sin committed by Adam and Eve, “the originals.” Interpretations of what this means… from “all sin and fall short of the glory of God”… to “the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ was payment for the sin of all, and those who acknowledge Him as Lord and Master are saved from the consequences of their continuing sins” … to “when you accept God’s grace, which came to active fruition with Jesus’ resurrection and My coming as the Holy Spirit, then you do not sin, for all actions are given to Me.” Quite a range!

In social/psychological, rather than theological, terms, then, are humans basically bad, mostly bad, mostly good, or basically good? Or is any culture made up of some conglomerate of all of these? Sue experiences clients, who are not living comfortably, who respond to her honest desire to hear what they have to say about themselves. Some are, in effect, developing their own approaches to better living, which suggests that these have capacities that has been inoperative, but can be released. Spirit is always a major part of such changes, whether or not this is acknowledged.

Each human is imperfect in some way or ways, with many having imperfections as dominant characteristics. Yet remember that each human is a creation of Mine, and, as the cliché goes, “I do not create junk.” You can’t even imagine what I experience as I see the actions and motivations of over 5 billion of My creations… and I also know the “heart” of each… the emotions and spirit. Oh, I know well the sins and selfishness which is apparent, but I also observe and encourage that which brings spiritual growth. Being with people as they reflect some of My positive ways is one of the “pleasures of being God.” In one true sense the earth could be much better. In an equally true sense the earth is just as it should be, and there is spiritual value in all that happens.

TUES., DEC. 22, 1987, 8:34 PM

Perhaps I can count this as a tradition – this committing yourself to an every day Teaching in this time before Christmas. In the last weeks of a term you tend not to come often to learn from Me, so this more-often-commitment affords a good balance. I like your willingness to follow through when you do pledge. Keep it up!

You and Sue talked about many kinds of people today, and I shall follow up on this theme. I created humans BOTH as the epitome of functioning animals AND as . . .

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