Humor And My World

WED., FEB. 13, 1991, 9:10 AM

Yes, o son, I have suggested that your next Ruminations focus again on humor and fun. You are well aware that these are characteristics of Mine, but that they are seldom appreciated by most Christians. Therefore it is important for Christians to hear that I do have fun in what I do in the earth. And it is also important that those who have doubts or reservations about fundamental Christianity be advised that this Holy Spirit is a fun-lover.

All right, again the necessary disclaimer: this does not mean that I am not serious and concerned about individual lives, about nations, and about cruel human actions. Rather, it is that I achieve the perfect balance in attitudes toward what humans think and do. At your weekend Walk, there was serious discussion of inspirational talks, there were tears in testimonies about My healing powers or in pleas for My help… AND there was merriment galore in the proper times. I approve of this kind of balance.

But, someone might ask, how can I look humorously on the tragedies heaped upon one another here in the earth? If I were not in control of this realm, fully, not just hanging on, I might be much more distressed with actions of the moment. If I wanted everyone to live to be 120 years old in perfect health all the way I would be greatly distressed at disease and premature death. If I wanted nothing but everlasting peace, then the outbreak and continuation of a war would cause Me much pain.

What I affirm, instead, is that I am all powerful and all-knowing. I can cause or I can prevent, quite effectively. I know what consequences can be and this includes knowing that spiritual growth often comes more from tragedy than from expected success. For instance, this present war may hasten your country’s demise as an economic power. This will bring some hardship, but it will be good for the total world, for the earth, and for a shift in Christian emphasis.

I recognize that humor, just like power, can be misplaced and inappropriately used. There is sick humor, blasphemous humor, and dirty humor, and of this I do not approve, naturally. But I also hear awful interpretations of Holy Scripture, and I am aware of misuses of the influence of the Church. Yet I never let the negative aspects of any situation or condition override the fact that this is My world, and it is progressing just about the way I want it to.

I joy at seeing children playing and having fun. I smile at adolescents and their fun, which overshadows the problems they have which often get untoward attention. Adults, too, have fun, telling stories and making jokes, even as they face the serious aspects of life. Old folks have much to be thankful for, even with pains and disabilities, and it saddens Me when I see some who are so glum. They hang onto life, but do not enjoy it as they should. Yes, I’d say one form of symbolic death is the loss of the capacity and the willingness to see the humor in life and the fun in living so long.

Not all funny people are Christians, and it would be good if they were. And yet balances are important. Just be glad that there are some dedicated, born-again creations of Mine who truly have fun in life and can encourage these feelings in others, even continually.

Hear again My encouragement for your looking at Scripture for the humor and fun therein. A description can be serious and spiritual… and also funny to ridiculous at the same time. You did pretty well with Ezekiel and his dark prophesies, but remember to at least smile at the wheels I had him see… and that valley of dry bones that get up and walked around. In Hebrews you can laugh at the comparison of Me, as the Christ, to Malchizedek, who was never born and never died, and in the mist was a priest forever, from Salem. Most of the good, memorable Bible stories have some quality that should bring some humorous appreciation.

WED., FEB. 13, 1991, 9:10 AM

Yes, o son, I have suggested that your next Ruminations focus again on humor and fun. You are well aware that these are characteristics of Mine, but that they are seldom appreciated by most Christians. Therefore it is important for Christians to hear that I do have fun in what I do in the earth. And it is also important that those who have doubts or reservations about fundamental Christianity be advised that this Holy Spirit is a fun-lover.

All right, again the necessary disclaimer: this does not mean . . .

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