Hurrying To Be

SAT., MAR. 31, 1984, 7:32 AM

It is a pleasant morning as you sit here in this unusual place and wait upon Me. You had a hurried feeling, because the waiting position could be embarrassing, out here in the open. Then the sound of running feet helped bring this title, for the important question, if you are hurrying, is, “What for?” or “Why am I hurrying?”

Hurrying to be is an interesting kind of hurrying. Some people are anxious to be… in having a strong sense of self. That sense of individuality is certainly encouraged in your culture, so most good middle class Americans display and feel some urgency about knowing who they are and having others recognize their individuality. Even perceptive children start to “hurry” toward being an individual. This is not wrong, but it is not really necessary… and, from My perspective, it should finally be exchanged for the reality of being which is beyond individuality.

Now I am not trying to be obscure. I know that being an exact individual person does seem like reality, but I want to encourage your slowly developing perception that you must ultimately “be in Me” and acknowledge Me in yourself, and therefore you become part of all others who are in Me, and they become part of you. Do you want to hurry toward this state of being? Well, hurrying often represents a good motive, but not necessarily the right process.

You are at a large convention, and you know that this is your last day. Do you hurry through the day so that you can get home and get back to your normal life? Or do you take the day slowly and savoringly, using every moment possible in being in relationship with people (some of whom I send… some of whom are already part of you) or in learning more about this profession that is yours to be in? You shall have feelings for both, but I urge you to lean toward the latter. Don’t hurry to be what you are not, even though that is desirable.

Be who and what you are as fully as you can, and from that will develop the being that is more complete, more “real”. Hurrying to achieve so often means that you miss those opportunities being is for. As Jesus, I knew that My ultimate Being was with the Father and the Spirit who teaches. Still I took time to be with people, to do and to say in such ways that Scripture could be composed. But this also was just being the Jesus I was, loving and relating to the various people who came to Me… and whom I sought. (It could be said, I realize, that I hurried to be in this Reunion. I shall just say that the “time” was right.)

You have a sense that ten years from now you shall be different than you are now. If that is to be, shouldn’t you hurry on to that better state? It is good to be progressing, but it is more to be, unhurried, what you are in the present. You shall progress best if you do not try overhard to progress, but, without excessive hurry, give full attention to the being that is now.

You want to hurry through this Teaching. You thought it might be completed in two pages, for you have an unnecessary sense of hurry. I know that you want to get about the “being” that I have recommended for today, but you still have this hearing relationship with Me. Such is the necessary tension of earth life.

SAT., MAR. 31, 1984, 7:32 AM

It is a pleasant morning as you sit here in this unusual place and wait upon Me. You had a hurried feeling, because the waiting position could be embarrassing, out here in the open. Then the sound of running feet helped bring this title, for the important question, if you are hurrying, is, “What for?” or “Why am I hurrying?”

Hurrying to be is an interesting kind of hurrying. Some people are anxious to be… in having a strong sense of self. That sense of individuality is certainly encouraged in . . .

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