I Am A Pump

September 2, 1979, 6:15 AM

Yes, I, the Lord, the Spirit am a pump.  (A strange theme for a Sabbath morn, but write on and see how it develops.)

First, a pump supplies something that is necessary… water, oil… I bring to you that which is most necessary for life – an infusion of My Spirit in order that your spirit might grow and direct your life.  Yes, and be the basis of your good health.

Secondly, a pump circulates something that is not of itself (and here the analogy is only partly true, but consider the truth part.)  Relationship with Me gives you access to My Spirit BUT ALSO to the spirits of many others who are In Me.  As you are not diminished by being in company with Me, so I am not diminished by being joined by many spirits.  When you “tap into” Me, you have access to not only My spirit, but the accumulation that is the fullness of Me.  (To argue that this is not necessary for Me is to miss the point.  I do it not because I have to, but because I Am.  It pleases Me.)  Thus, I pump to you spiritual insights that are not just of My origin.  I share with you what other spirits have produced… out of relationship with Me.

Thirdly, a pump functions in a rhythm.  I have shared with you the notion of health as the rhythm of your life.  Well, certainly, I represent a rhythm, too.  For I am health, in a sense.  My rhythm is to be sensed, to be “caught” and emulated.  Pumps have different rhythms, and so do I… with different circumstances.  Yet the best one for you is always available.

Fourthly, sometimes the function of a pump is to move away an excess of something harmful… such as floodwaters. I, too, serve to drain away thoughts and emotions that could rise and be harmful.  As you put your hand in Mine My presence removes those excesses not good for you.  I change your rhythm, and hence your balance improves.

Finally, but importantly, a pump is a lowly machine.  It is useful, but it is not thought of as something of high import.  For My own reasons one of My vital manifestations is as a humble servant.  I am important, but I also am humble and lowly.  And if I am thus, so must you be.  Whatever your role… professor, expert, authority, parent… remember that you retain it only so long as you can give it up.  Do not pretend, but actually become the humble servant, even of your children, and, as I was not diminished as Jesus, so shall it be with you.

This is a hard teaching for those of a certain temperament.  They feel that respect must always be defended… that position must always be mentioned.  It is not true.  If this is a part of My rhythm… in history and daily with My people… then it also must be part of yours.  Like begets like.  The way to encourage humility is to show it forth… with genuineness and integrity.

So, I come to you this morning as a lowly tool.  My essence is a rhythm that takes away the harmful and brings in that which sustaineth.  That which enriches is of other spirits as well as Mine.  In the same way that the heart, your most obviously necessary pump, is essential for life, so I am essential for that which is more lasting… the spiritual life.  Avail yourself of Me, feel My rhythm, and be as I am… which includes being lowly and humble.

Share this message as it seems right.  This day promises much.  Take the opportunities, high and low.  And avail yourself of Me, the pump.  Odd, but true.


7:15 AM