I Am… And Here

FRI., MAY 20, 1994, 7:19 PM

With this as the 15th year since I took over your pen and began this unique relationship, that We call Teachings, I was certain, as you were, that you would be here, too. It was a day in which you did not awaken early, and I let that be. Then there were other calls for your time and attention, but, finally, here you are… and I do join you.

I Am. I always have been, and I always will be. I Am the Holy Spirit of the Lord God. I have chosen you for this special relationship, and you accepted, with some trepidation. I have assured you that this “time” with Me has not been costly. You would have accomplished very little more if you had never written a Teaching and had never composed, typed, printed, and mailed a single Ruminations. I assure you, then, that this has been a timeless experience, even as you have drawers crammed with evidence of what I have said to you.

The desk in this study is Our favorite place, and the first waking hour of the day is the best time. Yet both of us have to be adaptable, and so each volume gives evidence of Teaching at other times and in other places. It is good however, that it not be a helter-skelter experience. There is merit in hearing Me here and early.

I’ll say again, as I have said many times, that there was no “contest” in selecting you. You had no special merit that had you shine beyond others. Finally, you see, I don’t have to have a “good reason” for what I do, and decide to do. I chose you, with rather good assurance that you would be faithful to the task I had for you. You are not the only one I have chosen, and the tasks I have “assigned” are more varied than you can imagine.

The task that I have given to you concerns human health, and I wanted someone with reasonable stature in the field. I have M.D.’s doing tasks for Me, and nurses as well. So I decided on a health educator, one with a genuine holistic orientation. The task was, and is, both simple and highly complex. I want to be back perceived as a vital “factor “in health and in healing. In the most general way I want health to include spirit. I like it even better when I, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, am seen as part of a healthy life… with My absence being a factor in ill-health.

I want it to be perceived that I am more concerned about and in love with the whole of creation rather than just with humans and their behavior. I see some behaviors that harm this created earth as more sinful than some that are more “popular,” such as sexuality. The Holy Scriptures can be interpreted in such ways, but many otherwise good followers of Mine are resisting, and will continue to do so. This is all part of a “plan,” but you are in it, also, encouraging these perceptions of which I tell you.

I am counting on you, and yet you are no more important than many others. If I truly want something accomplished it shall be done, one way or another. I never depend solely on one person or any group. I use folks and I appreciate what is done in My Name, but My Will is more powerful than any other, human or spirit. Never doubt My capacities.

It is good to hear your son Matthew coming close to acknowledging Me as the leader of his life. He hasn’t quite made the commitment yet, but he is turning and is coming closer. You are important to these changes. Continue to keep in touch with him, and keep sending Teachings and portions thereof that assure him I await his invitation to Me, in response to My invitation to him.

FRI., MAY 20, 1994, 7:19 PM

With this as the 15th year since I took over your pen and began this unique relationship, that We call Teachings, I was certain, as you were, that you would be here, too. It was a day in which you did not awaken early, and I let that be. Then there were other calls for your time and attention, but, finally, here you are… and I do join you.

I Am. I always have been, and I always will be. I Am the Holy Spirit of the Lord God. I have . . .

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