I Am Not Explainable

THURS., DEC. 10, 1998, 4:19 PM

You listened, this afternoon, to Pat Robertson, a unique and good servant of Mine, talk about the Power of the Holy Spirit. Since I did inspire that tape and do guide the Rev. Pat I, as Holy Spirit, certainly should have something to say about what he said… and you heard.

The positives first: I have “been” from the “beginning”, helping with the creation of this planet earth and with much that is reported in Old testament Scriptures… and much more. This prompts My reiterated affirmation about Me – I can never be limited… in relation to when, where, how, what, and with whom. I certainly Am part of the Jewish-Christian story, but what “else was I doing”, for I cannot be limited to that small geographic area now called the Middle-East. It is not important for you to know “where else” I was and “what else I was doing”. Just know that I am the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, the only One there is, even as there are many names and perceptions.

Pat also affirmed, truthfully, that the Scriptures suggest, at least, that I, as Jesus, the Son, also was from the beginning, long before My earthly adventure as a Jewish baby, and, suddenly, a full grown Jewish man. We, as the One God of this Earth, and far beyond, can never be limited in how we act here in the earth. Pat is one of My “conservative” Christian leaders who can, with an honest, sincere spirit, declare that I, as Jesus, am the ONLY way to a closeness with Me, as Spirit and as Almighty Father God. With him, I encourage this, I certainly need some who do not “wobble in the wind”. Actually you might soon be one who affirms another message, from Me, that I am involved in many perceptions of spirit. I push for spiritual growth, in many ways and forms, and I am not limited to one earth lifetime as a “make or break” judgment.

He identified Me, as you recognized, as a dove, as wind, and as fire. There are many other ways I could be described, but just as these three don’t clearly identify Me, other manifestations would only make My identity less describable.

I am in you, and I am external to you. I am not in every human, but I accept “invitations” of a diverse sort… and I call and come into a wide variety of humans, with “religion” only one factor in My selection. There are many acceptable and even beneficial ways of life other than your familiar American, middle-class, technological perception of “what should be”. By logical thinking I could often be accused of “working against Myself”, urging one course of action for some and an apparently quite opposite way for others. Even if you could see beyond your cultural conditioning, including interpretations of Holy Scripture, you could never come close to seeing this Earth and its myriad life forms as I do. There is no rational way to explain this “power” that We have. It is simply unexplainable. Tersely put, I Am mystical… in how I function. I am outside of time and space. I can be in many “places” at the same time, and yet I can give full attention to each “situation”. When I seem to take an hour or so with you for a Teaching, there is not a long line waiting for Me to be through. I simply am not limited, as your form of thinking suggests… even insists… I must be.

What do I have to say about Jack Kevorkian and assisted suicide? Doesn’t “thou shalt not kill” provide the only answer? I do put value on human life… but also remember that I see human life, in bodily form, as only one form of life… that the essence of life is spirit, and bodily death actually frees spirit for further adventures and growth. Remember, also, that, as Jesus, I gave up My earth life, as an early age, “for something better”. I would like to see more humans act comparably, even if the “better” is not so “grand” as accepting the sins of the world by My “death”. The “better” could be less stress and expense for younger relatives (and the government), and the chance to move on to the spirit realms, without pain and disability.

THURS., DEC. 10, 1998, 4:19 PM

You listened, this afternoon, to Pat Robertson, a unique and good servant of Mine, talk about the Power of the Holy Spirit. Since I did inspire that tape and do guide the Rev. Pat I, as Holy Spirit, certainly should have something to say about what he said… and you heard.

The positives first: I have “been” from the “beginning”, helping with the creation of this planet earth and with much that is reported in Old testament Scriptures… and much more. This prompts My reiterated affirmation about Me – I can never . . .

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