I AM Supreme

WED., NOV. 3, 1999, 1:52 PM

There are many “theologies,” most of which feature Me in some way and ways. It is right that you should know this (and some sincere advocates of one or another… including Christians), but each theology is not for everyone. You see, it is proper for some dedicated Christians, from any of the “persuasions,” to believe and proclaim that theirs is the one, superior to all others. I even allow some to seek the “conversion” of those from other faith groups, which sometimes encourages sin to abide and prevail.

Is sin necessary? Yes… and… No. Most significant questions have two or more appropriate responses. Your friend, Paul, knew he was a sinner, even as he had lived much of his early life as a dedicated, practicing Jew. But under My influence, after I had met him dramatically, on the Road, he came to see that sin had been, for him, a means to receive My forgiveness, My grace. He not only hadn’t earned it… he deserved rejection and punishment. He was accepted. He ( 2:10 / 2:16 ) realized, in a new spiritual way, that the very “campaign” he had carried on against Christians was a “means” to his being “chosen” for this unique “apostleship.”

You are more than aware of this dominant characteristic of the God I Am (and I like to hear you assert it!): I love diversity. I create diversity. I allow diversity… even in response to Me and My Kingdom. As you observe and are told about different aspects of the world I have created, for you humans, My best creation, you identify much diversity, which results in competitions of various sorts. I realize that some Biblical passages describe Me as “displeased” with conditions of earth life or with behaviors of humans. And yes, given what I have told you, this means either that I am an inept Creator…or My “displeasure” is something of a maya… carrying out a “role.” I am not inept, and I do consciously crate and encourage the “competitions” that you may recognize.

I do identify, “sin” as motivations, perceptions, and behaviors that I do not like. In one way, I truly don’t want you to sin. In another, I see sin as evidence that you are a “true human.” I do create and even embody spirits as angels, guides, and some other ways of exhibiting and exercising spirit. These, mostly, do not sin, and I love them for this way of being. But these are somewhat like Adam and Eve in the Garden… “good kids” who had to be “lured” out of that Paradise, to become sinful, but real, human beings. It just was not “right” that they should be so “perfect.”

Another “problem that you have with Paul’s analysis is: how long does forgiveness “last”? You have accepted Me, in all of My diverse forms, but then… you apparently sin again. Are you forgiven again… and again… or have you not “actually” sinned? I see it this latter way, in most situations. If you have genuinely accepted Me, you, “by definition,” cannot sin. Being supreme, I know what genuine acceptance is. Yet there is no way that you can know how you “stand,” in relation to some clear standard or to other servants of Mine. So just assume that I have accepted you, and be little concerned with sin.

This is related to your present… and developing… physical experience with cancer. Are replies to the query, “How are you?” such as “Fine!,” “Great,” Very well” accurate and appropriate if you are, at the same time, manufacturing and harboring cancer cells? Or… are you “Wonderful!” because your spirit is aware of and appreciative of the positive, spiritual opportunities that can accompany cancer, with a minimum of (to no) medical procedures.

You note, yet again, that My servant Walter Payton died at an age much younger than you, and is being remembered and lauded by many. Isn’t this, spiritually, to be preferred over life that extends into disability and beyond the remembrance of many… of the way you lived and “were”?

The closest I come to wanting all of you to “be alike” is in capacities and willingness to love others, this earth scene, and Me. I just see many patterns and ways that show love forth, and I see good in some that seem to be quite different from one another.

WED., NOV. 3, 1999, 1:52 PM

There are many “theologies,” most of which feature Me in some way and ways. It is right that you should know this (and some sincere advocates of one or another… including Christians), but each theology is not for everyone. You see, it is proper for some dedicated Christians, from any of the “persuasions,” to believe and proclaim that theirs is the one, superior to all others. I even allow some to seek the “conversion” of those from other faith groups, which sometimes encourages sin to abide and prevail.

Is sin . . .

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