I Am The Po-ow-er!

WED., NOV. 15, 1995, 8:37 AM

Your group’s reading and discussion of Isaiah continues… labors… on, but you touched on some important truths this morning. Fundamental, of course, is that I am the Power of this earth scene, meaning that everything that happens is either caused or allowed by Me. Naturally, it is beyond your humanly comprehension that I can accomplish this “day after day”. It also is quite fuzzy as to what being outside of time is like. You know, but you can’t remember in this mortal form.

In olden times I sent prophets to proclaim what I would do, and, generally, I followed through with the action… though occasionally I changed My Mind or there were changes resulting from the prophesy that made the threat inappropriate. There still are prophets in your midst (but you are not one of these), but they are not heeded much in this rational humanistic culture of yours.

You consider, as you read these descriptions of My disfavor and wrath, whether your culture will endure as a power. There is a political struggle going on now regarding the nation’s budget, with the twin needs of cutting spending in some areas and balancing the budget. Both sides recognize these needs, but disagree on the amounts for now. This could have an effect on your government, though most feel the effect will be minor. (8:56 / 9:03) I tell you that there will be a loss of power by your nation, but you are not to know when nor are you commissioned to tell this forth. In your own life enjoy the positive, healthy aspects, and pay little attention to the negatives, the imperfections. Pay as little attention as possible to your hurts, physical, and continue your appreciation of the hurt that remains with the death of Charity. Savor that for awhile… then let it be overcome with other joys.

In the life of your nation appreciate the good that comes to you at this time. When your culture loses power I shall be a factor, be assured. You need a bit more humility, and there must be more sharing with those who are in need, in your country and beyond. I have allowed these disparities to arise and increase. I can cause a reversal, or I can allow “natural” forces to accomplish the same. There is not enough recognition of My Power in your elected government, and this does not go unnoticed. I am not yet angry enough to cause these humbling changes… but don’t be surprised as some develop.

As I have told you often I am displeased with the effects of your technology on the environment and on “other living things”. At this point I am just letting natural consequences accumulate, and there will be more of it as the party in power bulls its way along. Quality of life shall diminish for some, and deaths will increase, with My backhanded blessing.

I tell you again to diminish your concern for population control and diminishing. There will be a variety of natural consequences, and the harder your culture tries to stem these, the more will arise. But there will be no shortage of humans… yet.

I encourage you to see more events… locally, nationally, and globally… as coming about as a result of My Power, unleashed or withheld. This suggests that you not waste time in political processes (which is not attractive to you anyway). I am The Power, and I am actively at work in this total world just as I was in Isaiah’s time, in a small portion of the earth.

WED., NOV. 15, 1995, 8:37 AM

Your group’s reading and discussion of Isaiah continues… labors… on, but you touched on some important truths this morning. Fundamental, of course, is that I am the Power of this earth scene, meaning that everything that happens is either caused or allowed by Me. Naturally, it is beyond your humanly comprehension that I can accomplish this “day after day”. It also is quite fuzzy as to what being outside of time is like. You know, but you can’t remember in this mortal form.

In olden times I sent prophets . . .

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