I Am With You

SAT., DEC. 3, 1994, 6:12 AM

This has been a busy week for you, or so it seems. You have not come to hear Me since Monday, and this time of “no contact” always raises the question, “Am I still with you?” Well, I awakened you earlier than you expected on this December morning, and you are here for a verification that Yes, I am with you, in this place and for this time.

The busyness of this week past was mostly not pressing and task related. You’re finding that it takes longer for you to prepare for classes, and you seem always to be inundated with papers of various kinds. Your relationship with students brings these many requests for letters that you must be writing, even this weekend. You put off doing these, but I must tell you that some of these are actually spiritual opportunities… your chance to help persons I am sending to you along a path that I am guiding. You can’t know which these are. This is part of the “earth game.” So treat each as if it were such a task for Me.

You started on the letters that I requested, but then you did not continue as I urged you to do. Hear Me calling again for just one per day. That certainly should be possible… and you see that others build up as you procrastinate, for now you must respond to both Terri and Nancy, very special women to you and to Me.

The finals that you have devised and that will surely come in will require much time and concentration of mind. It still is important to you to have students write as they express comprehension in your various courses. I am with you in this, but I also am concerned with how you shall accomplish tasks more important to Me. You have to know that I am with you as the pressure of these competing tasks rises.

This now is December, and another Ruminations is “due.” I have offered you two themes. Each is important, and each will be “just right” for some readers. The one on which you don’t write this time will be available for that winter Letter. This should be an “easy week,” and it will be Wednesday of finals week before you have this rush of papers to read. It shall be tempting to just rest and relax during this time… and some of that shall be necessary. But I, Who am with you, must push you to use this time for My purposes. I want you coming for Teachings, and I want you to be writing, as I am directing.

SAT., DEC. 3, 1994, 6:12 AM

This has been a busy week for you, or so it seems. You have not come to hear Me since Monday, and this time of “no contact” always raises the question, “Am I still with you?” Well, I awakened you earlier than you expected on this December morning, and you are here for a verification that Yes, I am with you, in this place and for this time.

The busyness of this week past was mostly not pressing and task related. You’re finding that it takes longer for you to . . .

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