I Am! … You Are?

WED., JAN. 17, 1996, 8:39 AM

As usually happens your morning breakfast group dealt with some interesting ideas, and you knew I would have some comments thereon… and beyond. In one sense you feel ignorant about Biblical matters. Yet in another, stronger sense you know that you know more than anyone else in the group. You were right in affirming that this Christian religion of yours… and Mine… is fundamentally mystical. You are part of a culture that tries to make it less so. One motivation, not such a bad one, is just to be able to understand and appreciate Me, as God, in a comfortable way. Another, of which I don’t approve, is to make Me and My Scriptures fit your cultural standards of the good.

I spoke to Abraham directly… and to Moses… and to David… and some others. (And you are right… I spoke to many others who are not remembered, and so I continue to speak.) I chose Isaiah, and I told him much about Myself, but far from all that could have been said. At the same time, I was communicating other aspects of My Nature to others… in that Jewish culture and in others as well. Remember, always, that I am the Only God there is. Isaiah knew it and said it, but he couldn’t grasp what this meant for all the humans on the earth, at that time and on up until now.

I speak to you mostly as Holy Spirit, and that is both different from Jesus, the Christ, and from the Father God AND not really different. Continue to affirm that these Teachings are from the Spirit, letting others apply their theology as they will and can.

Isaiah tells of a God who punishes and destroys His chosen people… and then loves and restores them. He tells of My awareness of what “Others” might think about blatant destruction, and hence I am pictured as a vacillating Father. I’ll accept that, for I recognize how consequences “work” in the earth. I can still do this. You didn’t get to make your point about increases in deaths from infectious organisms, but I’ll comment on it anyway… in this context.

As I have suggested to you I am more allowing than causing a different balance between micro-organisms and humans. They are gaining more strength, and an increasing number of humans will succumb to what you call infections or diseases. Now this is partly due to the too-avid attempts by allopathic medicine to eliminate these small “creations”. So I’m allowing the somewhat natural consequences. Combined with other “insults” from an environment plagued with many and varied wastes, the weak shall succumb in greater numbers. But remember… this is merely diminishing slightly the increase. I still have great numbers of humans to love.

You know who you are, as Bob Russell, and you have at least a sense of a longer “history” to your immortal soul. There is no reason for you to know more about this “history”, but as your life focus shifts more toward the spiritual I may offer you some “small windows” and you may become more perceptive in relation to what I already have told you.

WED., JAN. 17, 1996, 8:39 AM

As usually happens your morning breakfast group dealt with some interesting ideas, and you knew I would have some comments thereon… and beyond. In one sense you feel ignorant about Biblical matters. Yet in another, stronger sense you know that you know more than anyone else in the group. You were right in affirming that this Christian religion of yours… and Mine… is fundamentally mystical. You are part of a culture that tries to make it less so. One motivation, not such a bad one, is just to be able to . . .

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