I Am Your Teacher…

FRI., AUG. 28, 1998, 6:32 AM

Yes, o son, you have come once again to this desk, this paper, this pen… expecting a Teaching from Me, Holy Spirit. As you went over the “Tables of Contents” for even a few years you were struck, again, with the number of Teachings I have offered you, and with the variety of titles. Though this study of yours is the most common site for these experiences We are both adaptable… and I have “spoken” to you in many different places.

You are still not comfortable telling others of this relationship, but you, yourself, are quite comfortable in participating in it… in having these Teachings. It is a pleasant, rewarding aspect of your life, and, yes, in earth time We are now in Our 20th year of this unique teaching/learning mode.

As a Presbyterian/Calvinist you are quite accepting of the fact that I chose you for this relationship… an example of My Sovereignty as the Triune God. As I’ve told you, you were not one of especial merit. Oh, you were a born-again Christian and a fairly good writer, so it wasn’t a gaudy miracle… these Teachings. Yes, it was, partly, My having fun… though I did want another re-introduction of the spiritual as a legitimate dimension of health, and you were one who could do that. You just needed some help… and I am an experienced helper.

It didn’t take long for the “ritual” to develop. You were not particularly liturgical, so I’ve been pleased with your dedication to the “form” We’ve developed and with your “compulsions” for it. It is important to you that you hear Me in this way three times a week, and you feel better when it has been four. I could comment on any of the events of your life and on any of the thoughts you’ve had… or about reading that is of interest to Me. So even on days (or nights) when you don’t feel a strong pull (or push) to “have a Teaching” you may come, and rarely do I disappoint you.

Emeritus is your status now, so you no longer have classes of students who can hear some of what I have told you (identified or not), but you shall have opportunities from time to time to speak of concerns I’ve emphasized. You know that I like to repeat and reemphasize, so I’ll remind you that I am concerned about the continuing health of the whole web of life that I have created and sustain, here on this Earth. You did what you could in influencing the students you had toward simpler living, but your culture is opposing you in this regard.

I do love humans, but I am not completely pleased with actions that further imperil this web. I don’t choose to control human behavior, so, in that sense, I have some responsibility for that of which I don’t approve. I cause… and I allow. The “tragedies” that so dominate your news are such… have been caused or allowed by Me.

Deaths are necessary, for ongoing life. And that does include human deaths, for finally you all shall learn that domination is inferior to stewardship and some amount of sacrifice… to give up something good for something better. Human deaths are necessary for the continuing best balance of all of life… and life in spirit form, without the problems that bodies include, is usually quite a desirable “trade”.

Yet I also declare that life, in the many forms in which it can be experienced, should be fun. Life is to be enjoyed, for however long or short it may be. Oh, it is good to be responsible, but I often observe too much seriousness and too little appreciation for the joys of life, whatever the circumstances (well, almost). I, your Teacher, do have fun as Holy Spirit. I could see earth life as a “problem”, but I don’t. I say, to you, be as little problem-oriented as you can be.

FRI., AUG. 28, 1998, 6:32 AM

Yes, o son, you have come once again to this desk, this paper, this pen… expecting a Teaching from Me, Holy Spirit. As you went over the “Tables of Contents” for even a few years you were struck, again, with the number of Teachings I have offered you, and with the variety of titles. Though this study of yours is the most common site for these experiences We are both adaptable… and I have “spoken” to you in many different places.

You are still not comfortable telling others of this relationship . . .

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