I Do Forgive

SAT., AUG. 25, 1984, 6:41 AM

This is a truth that you know, o son, but, as with most truths that have some discomfort “attached”, you need reminding, now and again. Your main problem, of course, if just that you have been away from this meditation for quite a long time, and you know that I disapprove of this, whatever the reasons. You know that, yes, I do forgive this lapse, but you are having some trouble forgiving yourself. So… we have some time this morning in which to work this out and reestablish our working relationship.

I forgive because forgiveness is fundamental to the love relationship. It is a form of mercy, of course, and I just like to be merciful. I also forgive for practical, pragmatic reasons… the unforgiven person does not function very well, and I desire that you be able to do what you can, for Me, as fully as possible. It would be unwise of Me to hinder that functioning. Apply this truth to yourself when you are in the role of judge. If you want to impair some fellow humans’ functioning, make them feel guilty about some past behavior or attitude, and keep them aware of your judgment, even as it is deserved. Conversely, if you wish to encourage a person to full functioning, forgive the transgression and let him know of this freeing judgment.

Your reasons for being away were reasonable, and I am glad that the Ruminations is ready to send. You were aware of your absence, and that is good, for I certainly want you to continue to value this time that We have together and miss the contact when it is not a frequent event in your life. You are back today, but “limping”, and part of this is a loss of “touch” with the meditative state. Your mind is wandering, skipping, wasting time. You shall remain, of course, for the entire Teaching, but you shall be more than aware of your disability, the result of this lapse.

As I have said, I forgive partly for pragmatic reasons. There are many areas of service in which I want your best, and I don’t want this “best” diminished by feelings of guilt. You have three important classes at the University, and I want you to teach these well and deal lovingly with these mostly young people. It is good to help people increase intellectual knowledge, but your central role is to increase their capacities to feel and to love… and to know that this is a vital part of health. You know that it is time consuming to be merciful, but this is what I want from you.

I forgive that you have not followed up on the interests of the women in Hawaii with whom I put you in contact. I shall not let you forget this, of course, and you must accomplish this, even now when you have much more to do. Remember that I can forgive your not doing something at an appropriate time, but this does not mean you should not eventually do it. This you must do. And you shall be pleased and rewarded when you finally reestablish these desired contacts.

Your Sunday class is another important opportunity, no matter how few actually attend. Your time with Me is your best preparation, but do study the designated Teaching carefully before you lead the discussion. Leave the rest to Me, of course.

SAT., AUG. 25, 1984, 6:41 AM

This is a truth that you know, o son, but, as with most truths that have some discomfort “attached”, you need reminding, now and again. Your main problem, of course, if just that you have been away from this meditation for quite a long time, and you know that I disapprove of this, whatever the reasons. You know that, yes, I do forgive this lapse, but you are having some trouble forgiving yourself. So… we have some time this morning in which to work this out and reestablish our working relationship . . .

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