I Do Watch Over… You

THURS., SEPT. 30, 1999, 7:26 AM

Yes, o son, you were in some danger last evening, and your memory of it is not complete, to say the least. As you now realize, you drank too much wine, after a long day that began around 5 AM. You did realize you were impaired, and you were cautious coming home. You still wonder what you hit, trying to park your truck. Maybe Lenore knows.

But the scary part is that you now realize you blacked out, here at home. Was I, your friendly Holy Spirit watching over you? I admit that I was. You hadn’t consumed wine for… months… and it was good… and so was the party. You drank too much, and age is a relevant factor now also. All in all, you put yourself in danger, but I steered you through it. (But why did I leave the truck in such an odd position?)

You are now more “steeped” in My words to you, because of the typing and proofing of Our latest Ruminations. You gave My Teachings to you… about your cancer, transition into a spirit realm and being elderly… about 2/3 of the “text”, and I appreciate this, but seek a balance that’s a bit more “even” next time. Anyway, you are not surprised (with this “steeping”) that I helped steer you home, with no harm to you or anyone else.

As my latest statement in the Letter confirmed, I have been with you for most of your life, and even before those football playing days. You recall being “lost” in the forest hiking to the church camp… and My positive, rather quick response to your prayer. I was selecting you for this relationship We now have, and I surely didn’t want to “lose you” in any of the ways, possible in this earth.

I have not directly planned all that you have done in your life. You do have “free will” (in which some Christians believe… too strongly), but, as I’ve told you, so do I. I could have stopped you from over-drinking last evening, but it turned out to be a pretty good lesson (yet again)… and it brought you here this morning (along with cows out of the pasture… was I responsible for that, too. Oh, I do have fun being Holy Spirit!)

You are doing rather well with the “positive approach to life” that I want you to have, as a “counter” to cancer. You are a bit surprised to find that so many people seem to “have heard” about this attack on you, from “some of your own.” When conversation turns to this be aware that it can be an opportunity to make your affirmation of the joy you’ve had in this life, and now the anticipation (with a touch of apprehension) of life in the spirit, after you drop your body.

I shall keep reminding you, in both direct and subtle ways, that you (with Me) have had a wonderful life and that you must be aware and appreciative of all that happens to you in the time your cancer will allow you to be a healthy, physical Bob Russell.

Even this drunken experience should be appreciated, for it happened to you, and there were few, if any, bad consequences. I have had lots of experience with drunkenness, and many important lessons have been learned, out of excesses. Remember, yet again, that this earth scene is a unique realm for spiritual growth, and the dangers are a vital factor. It is quite possible to “mess up” here in the earth. But, yes, “out of the mud grows the lotus.” Spirit grows most when it is challenged.

You cherish those times when you can talk about these Teachings with folks who are interested. You don’t want to be “challenged” in relation to this “gift”, so you’re cautious, and I understand this. Still, I’ve asserted that challenges are part of this life, and when they come you must rise to meet them… and then appreciate the joy, and perhaps the pain, that comes with the experience.

THURS., SEPT. 30, 1999, 7:26 AM

Yes, o son, you were in some danger last evening, and your memory of it is not complete, to say the least. As you now realize, you drank too much wine, after a long day that began around 5 AM. You did realize you were impaired, and you were cautious coming home. You still wonder what you hit, trying to park your truck. Maybe Lenore knows.

But the scary part is that you now realize you blacked out, here at home. Was I, your friendly Holy Spirit watching over you? I . . .

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