I Give You Good News

WED., NOV. 24, 1999, 8:44 AM

Yes, o son, as you and your breakfast group finish the study of Paul’s Letter to the Romans I want you to perceive it as good news. Now, true, Paul had the expectation that I, as the Christ, would return, and out of this would come, somehow, the end of sin and death… of earth life as it had been. Yet he classed this as “good news,” that the struggles of earth life would be no more. But, of course, this didn’t happen… sin and death still abide… and the human population is threatened mainly by “itself,” in numbers and in technological developments and consequences.

Hear again, however, that “right living” is not “news,” so the many forms of news that you can choose from tend to focus on the tragedies, the evils, the inhumanities… the… I counter with the observation that most of what I see, here in the earth, is love, kindness, helpfulness, and charity. I do encourage this in some newscasters and newswriters, and it sometimes comes through… and, then, many humans are not much interested in or influenced by this “slant” to the news.

Why do I allow it? It is one of the challenges of earth life… the actual events of which you are a part and the reports of these, in this country and around the world. I encourage you to give less attention to these negative news items and to tune yourself to the “good news,” which is still “sandwiched in” amongst the reports of awfulness.

Your sleep last night was troubled, and you had too much awake time, perceiving that your two grandsons, Michael’s boys, were not back… and where were they? I appreciated your prayers for them, for, as you well know, I often cause or allow possible tragedies as a stimulus to prayer and to re-experiencing your need for Me in your best life. You don’t know when they came in, but the good news, this morning, was that they had returned and were safe.

This is also the truth that underlies all reports of harmful events and conditions. One passenger airplane goes down and over 200 are killed. On the same day, and every day since, planes have flown without troubles or incidents. In fact, some have had troubles comparable to 990, but still have completed the route with no injuries or loss of life or planes.

You still have two fine grandsons, and most of your fellow humans are without tragedy on this day. This is the good news, but another interpretation is that, for the ideal balance of the human population, there should have been more deaths… or fewer births. As I have told you this is My major “dilemma,” the result of what I… and most of you… see as blessings. Two blessed grandsons are safe and well, as is little John Isaac, your youngest heir. Son Bob and his children will be on the road early tomorrow. You shall pray for them, and then you expect them to be not among the casualties which always accompany this cultural celebration.

So it is good news that I allow rather few tragedies, given all of the possibilities. As the new millenium comes in there will be some “problems”… and these shall be the big news stories. Adjustments will be necessary, and most will be made, with minor inconveniences. Still, there are bound to be some tragedies, some losses. Many in your culture are not good in accepting losses. In some other cultures, “this very day,” I see acceptance of difficulties, and appreciation to Me, in ways similar and quite dissimilar to those of you middle-class Christian Americans. As I see the whole earth scene I see your culture as quite a “favored one,” perhaps in spiritual need of some challenge to your good fortune.

And I challenge you, personally, to eschew the temptation to see yourself as one sick with cancer. Remember that these are your cells, your own response to some portions of your environment. Recognize and accept your losses, but basically see yourself as a healthy oldster. Set tasks for your self and accomplish these… but not in a frenzied way. Enjoy the tasks and all that happens to you, for you can’t truly discern all that each incident or situation means… and has for you.

WED., NOV. 24, 1999, 8:44 AM

Yes, o son, as you and your breakfast group finish the study of Paul’s Letter to the Romans I want you to perceive it as good news. Now, true, Paul had the expectation that I, as the Christ, would return, and out of this would come, somehow, the end of sin and death… of earth life as it had been. Yet he classed this as “good news,” that the struggles of earth life would be no more. But, of course, this didn’t happen… sin and death still abide . . .

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