I Helped, Didn’t I?!

FRI., MAY 14, 1999, 8:37 PM

Every now and again I have to give you a bit of a test, o son… to check Our relationship in some novel way. Today was a perfect opportunity, so I took it. The glass in the parking lot was “just there”… not arranged by Me. You were careless, and fairly quickly you realized what you had done, and that you now risked a flat tire, or at least a slow leak.

But this quite physical-environmental situation was one I could use: did you see it as a test of spirit? You did. What followed was a bit of physical action by you, interspersed with prayers for My help. You realized that you might be asking for a miracle, if the tire had been pierced. But more importantly, you were just reaffirming Our relationship, and asking for help…if such were needed. It is not important for you to know whether or not it was needed. If the bond between Us is alive and well the outcome of any situation is of no real consequence.

I could have miraculously kept a punctured tire from going flat… until you got home… or permanently. Or… there was no puncture, but I wanted to check your reaction. Or… even… there was no actual puncture, but I caused the tire to go flat. As you know by now, the actual consequences are of little concern. This incident was “a chasing after wind.” But do you relate to Me… trust in Me… and does this come forth quickly in the “situation”?

Your dominant, secular culture teaches that situations such as this are just “natural.” Spirit… as in Me, in at least Three forms… is not to be considered relevant. Thus, if you truly are expecting Me to be involved in this, you are deviating from this dominant perception. And I do choose to test this, now and again, for I know, despite Our nearly 20 years together, that you have been enculturated quite well. Oh, you are far from “a lost cause,” spiritually, but the test was more for you to see where you were than as information for Me, about you.

You have been reviewing, in your mind and spirit, and through My Teachings to you over these years, the incident that I used to get Us linked together on this “project.” You remember it rather well. You couldn’t find the manuscript, hand-written on yellow paper, and you felt panic. I had given you some “practice” in this type of “test,” but this was a situation quite unlike the ones you had encountered before. Yet, after the fruitless trip up to your campus office, you did recognize My involvement, and you made a pledge to Me. Your manuscript was found, and you kept your every-morning-for-a-month pledge faithfully.

Your pledge today, for a safe, trouble-free trip home was a Teaching tonight. Now it could have been for tomorrow morning, but you did say tonight. You did consider putting it off… or even not doing it (though this was not really considered). You wanted it to be easy, and Lenore wasn’t helping (though, of course, she wasn’t aware of more than you ran over some glass, and still got home), but your general practice, of not often watching television through a whole evening made it not “too odd” that you came up here, for “some reason.”

This is an incident that can be explained rationally or mystically… and it could have “been both.” Increasingly I shall call you for some purpose of Mine. As your regular responsibilities diminish, the struggle over “what to do” will be less. I promise that most of the “tasks” to which I call you will be fruitful, pleasant, even exciting. I will have to get your attention, initially, and I have many ways of accomplishing this. Then you’ll know, in ways at least partly mystical, what the opportunity is…and, increasingly, you’ll gladly take up the mantle of “being My servant.”

It will continue to be difficult to explain this to all but a few others – family, friends, colleagues. Yet you know… and feel… the satisfactions that come when “We work together.” You continue to almost marvel at how wonderfully relevant these Teachings are to your on-going life. You’re certainly welcome to continue to come, hear, and write.

FRI., MAY 14, 1999, 8:37 PM

Every now and again I have to give you a bit of a test, o son… to check Our relationship in some novel way. Today was a perfect opportunity, so I took it. The glass in the parking lot was “just there”… not arranged by Me. You were careless, and fairly quickly you realized what you had done, and that you now risked a flat tire, or at least a slow leak.

But this quite physical-environmental situation was one I could use: did you see it as a test of . . .

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