I Just Can’t Be “Defined”

WED., MAY 12, 1999, 8:39 AM

… or described… or, certainly, delimited. I am God Almighty… and also God the Loving Father… and also Jesus the Christ, crucified and buried but now fully alive… and Holy Spirit, Who works when, where, how, and with whom I choose. No limitations or delimitations. How’s that for an Introduction!?

In Jeremiah I often was angry… but then forgiving. I sometimes seemed sorry about the results of My Creations. I wanted humans to be better than they were. You’ve had somewhat comparable experiences as a father – letting your children make decisions and then begin displeased with what they decided to think or do. You knew that there were other influences… other than yourself… and I certainly know there are other influences on humans… other than Myself. (And some of these I have created and the rest I’ve allowed to be and develop.)

Thus… you need to be aware, (as I’ve told you before) that I need not be “consistent,” by your human standards. There are two concepts from the perspective on Me called Hinduism that are not prominent in your Scriptures and theology. One is maya… things are not always as they seem… illusion is an aspect of reality. Very little about Me can be proved. Often I may seem to be a maya… because that is part of My Reality.

But also important, as a complement, is lila, or the spirit of fun. I have told you often that I, Holy Spirit, do have fun being H.S., and some of what I do and allow is mostly or all in this spirit of fun. Your culture, in its news, is way too serious, but I also realize that many of My Christian servants aid and abet in this perspective. It almost seems blasphemous to perceive that I have fun with many of the apparently tragic situations and circumstances of earth life.

I gave Jeremiah some prophecies that were really petty silly. When he realized this… or, on the other hand saw them as exceedingly serious…he was reluctant to make them. Can you believe that I told him, “Make these prophesies, and I’ll guarantee you’ll have 52 chapters in the Old Testament!”? At least consider this as a lila.

I find it fascinating, in this spirit of fun, that your culture, and that of NATO, are waging a war in which you don’t want casualties… and feel compelled to apologize when such “collateral damage” does happen. As God I threatened to wipe out a whole nation, leaving bodies to rot in the fields, How do I feel about “no casualties”… except buildings, infrastructure, and other combatants? Don’t I want more and more life, with only occasional, “natural” deaths? It does not seem good to describe Me as a God who values casualties in humans and is more concerned about destruction that will require resources becoming more scarce on this planet.

In Jeremiah’s time the Jews were My chosen people, but I allowed or caused them to be defeated, taken from their homeland, as a kind of punishment for… not observing the Sabbath?… worshipping “other gods”?… being independent of Me? In Kosovo the “Christian Serbs” are killing and driving out the “ethnic Albanians,” who are mainly Moslem. Should I be seen as One Who encourages this “displacement,” for at least partially Christian-religious motives? Or am I punishing these Kosovars who have over-settled a land that was not historically theirs? Do I want a war… or not? Should it be a more destructive war, to hasten its end? Do I want peace? … at “any price? I could say that all of these questions can be answered Yes… even as these Yeses seem to conflict with one another.

When I say I can’t be accurately defined or completely described I become quite attractive to some folk… and quite unattractive to others. Many others are somewhere “in-between,” comfortable with certain dogmas about how I Am and am not… with differences sometimes the basis for wars and destruction.

WED., MAY 12, 1999, 8:39 AM

… or described… or, certainly, delimited. I am God Almighty… and also God the Loving Father… and also Jesus the Christ, crucified and buried but now fully alive… and Holy Spirit, Who works when, where, how, and with whom I choose. No limitations or delimitations. How’s that for an Introduction!?

In Jeremiah I often was angry… but then forgiving. I sometimes seemed sorry about the results of My Creations. I wanted humans to be better than they were. You’ve had somewhat comparable experiences as a father – letting your children make . . .

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