I Repeat, You Learn

SAT., SEPT. 29, 1990, 7:29 AM

The thought that you found hardest to dislodge, in order to clear your mind to hear Me, was that there can’t be anything new for Me to teach you. In your count of nearly 11 ½ years you have been relatively faithful, receiving Teachings on many, many themes. There is not much left for Me to tell you about, so your mind says. Well, that really isn’t true, but hear Me as I focus on this teaching style I use with you.

I repeat. I revisit. I reemphasize. And you eventually learn. You now know, clearly, that the purpose of earth life is to grow spiritually. No more, no less. Almost everything that you do and the way you do it can contribute or take way from spiritual growth. I may help with this growth, directly or indirectly. Or I may offer some challenge to your spirit that appears to be abandonment. How you react to this challenge, which could be physical, economic, or social, even religious, has an effect on your spiritual growth.

And, further, you know that the growth is toward selflessness and non-attachment and back toward reunion with Me. Here is where the Holy Scriptures are not clear and where interpretation and doctrine are necessary. What happens after earth death? You know that your spirit, which has everlasting life, goes forth from your body to some other realm. Oh, there may be some returning to the earth scene as spirit, mostly out of love for those still alive… as Peter did with you. The mature spirit knows when it is time to move on.

There may be a reuniting with spirits of those who preceded you in death, but, as in life, you will not “hang around” with those who are on quite different spiritual paths. Rather, you may be reunited with spirits from other lives and other realms who can be more helpful and more compatible than spirits from this present life. Out of your present earth knowledge you shall be surprised at the extent of your previous spiritual experience.

Earth life is a brief analog to eternal life, in the ideal. In this ideal you live a good, productive earth life, enjoy some years of retirement, and then die, quite peacefully and willingly. No more struggle to keep an aged body functioning. No more medications, no more medical machines and procedures. Death comes, and you welcome it as a proper end to a good life.

The analog is that as this spirit, now manifested as Bob Russell, an educator in middle class America with a family, friends, and former students, will grow in maturity to the state where individual identify will no longer be desirable. That state of maturity brings for the overwhelming feeling of “Why am I doing this? I know who I am, and I am quite willing to give it up to return to My origin – the Holy Spirit.” You then quietly and peacefully merge back into Me. Your previous identities become unimportant and are simply lost. Though I need no more “power” I receive such when a mature spirit returns.

Know also that I continue to create new spirits, out of Me. So just as an atom of carbon from what is now a tree and an atom of hydrogen from what is now a pond, and an atom of iron from what is now a battleship may one day come forth in a human baby, born to one of your descendants, so the spirit that has been you, after merging back with Me can go forth, as “spirit material” to help form a new spirit which then must mature, in this wonderful process I have created.

SAT., SEPT. 29, 1990, 7:29 AM

The thought that you found hardest to dislodge, in order to clear your mind to hear Me, was that there can’t be anything new for Me to teach you. In your count of nearly 11 ½ years you have been relatively faithful, receiving Teachings on many, many themes. There is not much left for Me to tell you about, so your mind says. Well, that really isn’t true, but hear Me as I focus on this teaching style I use with you.

I repeat. I revisit. I reemphasize. And you . . .

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