I Spoke: A Special Pentecost

THURS., MAY 20, 1993, 7:40 AM

You remembered this third “special” day of Our relationship, the day I came to you directly. I took over your pen, even as the movements were, and still are yours (with the occasional “mistakes”). I spoke to you in the first person, as I do now. Then it was surprising, but you did not reject Me. Today it still is surprising, but now comfortable. Why you?

The question is an apt one, even after these years. You have been only moderately faithful, and there seems to be no great point to all of these pages. Well, I needn’t go over My reasons for instituting this Special Pentecost, for you know them well, even as they seem not to be cosmically critical. I enjoy these “lessons,” and I am pleased that you are as faithful as you are.

The actual church-year Pentecost is the Sunday after next, and it is good that your church now recognizes and celebrates this “occasion.” I have always been in the earth, but Pentecost marks the occasion when I became “official.” As God I have been here since I created this unique realm, and I have communicated directly with some of My servants. As Jesus I have been here since creation, and I continue to be… and yet I came into the earth “officially” as the baby Jesus, on what you now celebrate as Christmas. Good Friday is the memory of My death on the cross, with Easter Sunday the celebration of My “victory” over death, the resurrection, in body. There is no special remembrance, in your tradition. of the ascension, and there needn’t be, for I am “both here and there.” As Jesus I am as omnipresent as the Father, and continue in ministry to those who “need” the security of My identity.

At Pentecost I, as Holy Spirit, got to make an entrance more flambuoyant, but less memorable, than the birth of Jesus. To you I didn’t come as wind and fire, but I had you write in ways that were not familiar to you… and yet it was not frightening nor overwhelming. You knew about “channeling” (and I continue to tell you not to use that term, and you don’t), but you recognized that you were hearing from the Supreme Spirit.

You were just about the right combination of confidence and humility… and you continue thus. In your life, even to that point, you had received honors of various kinds. You had had presidencies, “Commanderships”, and other obvious successes. But you no longer sought such honors and were content in your place in life. You were a professor, but at a non-famous university. You had recognition in your field, but it is one that has little recognition. Yet there was no competition. You did not win out over a field of candidates. I just chose you… as one who would respond faithfully to My call, and fulfill this ministry as I desire. See you later today. ( 8:23 AM )

( 11:05 AM) On the surface your life has not changed greatly over these 14 years. Yet you know much more and have more confidence in the truth that I communicate to you. Oh, you have yet to confront Richard, but you shall, soon, I’m sure. You enjoy life more, but that is partly because your responsibilities have diminished over these years, along with My guidance.

I do want a Ruminations before your second course beings, and I approve of the theme, Ministries, suggested by John Patrick. This can be tied in with the reality of gifts, that have been the theme of some recent Teachings. Otherwise, go through some of Our volumes and seek some sources. Consult John Patrick again and consider some of what he has identified. I shall be of more help when you get started.

THURS., MAY 20, 1993, 7:40 AM

You remembered this third “special” day of Our relationship, the day I came to you directly. I took over your pen, even as the movements were, and still are yours (with the occasional “mistakes”). I spoke to you in the first person, as I do now. Then it was surprising, but you did not reject Me. Today it still is surprising, but now comfortable. Why you?

The question is an apt one, even after these years. You have been only moderately faithful, and there seems to be no great point to . . .

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