I Won’t Tell You That, But…

SUN., AUG. 4, 1996, 6:40 AM

You finished the little book, Conversations with God, marking your copy as I suggested. It was an interesting experience, for, in many parts of what Neale recorded as what I said to him, as God, I sounded much like I am with you. And then there were other portions that seemed different, in “content” or in the words I used. It is now more useful to you, however, with ideas that agree with what I have told you marked (even a few double ’s), as well as the question marks highlighting non-agreement.

So you can focus on the ways in which what I have said to him is consistent with and supportive of what I have told you, for this is more extensive than the apparent disagreements. Objectively My Holy Scriptures are not completely consistent, beginning with the two stories of creation, which do not seem consistent and are certainly incomplete. But, as I’ve told you, each contains truth, and each is valuable in certain circumstances.

The Gospel writer John recorded statements of Mine, as Jesus, that seem different from those in the other Gospels. You Christians should see this as just Holy Variety, rather than evidence of inconsistencies.

Yesterday you read some of the writings presented as Truth, of two “non-traditional’ physicians. There was some agreement and, yes, some differences. In most of the sciences there is not complete agreement, and this is good, for there can well be agreement on something that really isn’t true… as in the main philosophy of medical treatment.

Don’t try to “make Me” consistent with all that you have believed and with all you read, in various sources. There are reasons beyond what you can understand for what I tell you, what I told Scripture writers, what I have told Neale, and what I shall tell others who are in the mystic tradition. If it is important for you, I shall tell you.

Remember that I told you, early in Our relationship that you were not to seek answers to questions but to wait for the title that I had for you and then write. Over the years, however, you have had questions, and I have given you some answers. I still basically want the initiative to be Mine. Let Me respond to what you need to know, not to what you just want. But I am flexible and, as I have told you, I am the Supreme Adapter.

I haven’t told you to have these Teachings published, as I did with Neale. I am satisfied, at this time, with Our Ruminations and with the limited number of readers. Just be aware that I continue to send some to you, and that I let some fall away. You know that what I tell you is not compatible with what some (even many?) others believe, and you know that some of these turn away because of the “disagreements” despite the “agreements”.

Ah, diversity! I love it, and I am responsible for it… and some of its consequences seem unfortunate. One of the big points in Conversations… is that the chief aim in life is to Be Who You Are and Who You Want To Be. Apply this to yourself. I have called you to be a minor mystic in a culture that does not encourage or reward such, as it is happening. You have accepted My invitation, and you do come fairly regularly to hear Me, the Holy Spirit… and write down what you hear. Yet you are, generally, a “closet mystic”. This is who you want to be, given the potential consequences of others, less compromising states of Being. So… Be Who You Are, at this time, with the understanding that you may want to change this, with more maturity.

SUN., AUG. 4, 1996, 6:40 AM

You finished the little book, Conversations with God, marking your copy as I suggested. It was an interesting experience, for, in many parts of what Neale recorded as what I said to him, as God, I sounded much like I am with you. And then there were other portions that seemed different, in “content” or in the words I used. It is now more useful to you, however, with ideas that agree with what I have told you marked (even a few double ’s), as well as the question marks highlighting . . .

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