Ideal “Uses” Of Time

SAT., JULY 11, 1998, 6:53 AM

Less of your time is now “scheduled” by someone else or by continuing responsibilities… which means that increasingly you can decide, rather freely, how time will be “spent” or “used”. Naturally I tell you that your best “uses” of time is in hearing Me, Holy Spirit, and writing these Teachings… and in rereading and pondering ones I have given you in the past. For the last few days you have carried a volume with you, for re-reading, even just several at a time. I approve of such a practice.

A good deal of time was spent in addressing and sending out this current Ruminations. As I observed this it seemed like more of a “task” than an “opportunity”… for thinking just a bit about the person each name and address represents and adding a few more notes, similar to those you did append. I continue to tell you that this “process” should be seen as spiritual, not just busy work. It is a marvelous “review” of spiritual friends, many so unlike others. Two important ones are no longer in the earth and, logically should be removed as you start the process of a revised mailing list. To be consistent with what I’m emphasizing now, I say leave Becky and Barbara on the list and think of them as you see their names. I can’t help you with the laborious process of each mailing, but I can urge you to see it as a labor of love.

Another ideal “use” was your long lunchtime conversation with Dan. You know you haven’t had much success with ordained ministers as readers of Teachings or Ruminations, but he seems to be one who appreciates the reality of what We do together… while agreeing that a “Presbyterian mystic” does qualify as an oxymoron. You two “closed down the place” with two “lunch hours”… time well spent on some variety of vital topics. Consider others who might enjoy the mutual benefit of time with you. Stephen, Ralph, and Lynda were others who recently benefited. There are many other opportunities “waiting”.

You see the disarray of this desk, and you know that you just have to rearrange this place that We share. I realize the considerations that have to go into storing or casting away materials that accumulate. It is hard for you to “handle it once” (though I do see the considerable volume that you do consign to trash with one handling). Hear this suggestion: utilize rainy days for work on this study. See such as gifts from Me. (Can I do it? Silly question.)

Your time in contemplation is not yet very effective and rewarding. But as you remarked to Dan yesterday it is not easy moving from a long, active life, with many assigned tasks (self or by others) to regular times of real contemplation. I am helping, with the motivations, but you have to decide whether this shall be strictly “as it happens” or whether there should be some order, discipline, even liturgy to it. I won’t let you give up. Appreciate successes as they come.

Don’t “waste” time pondering money and potential problems arising from lacks thereof. These medical bills should teach you that you have to be more knowledgeable about how your insurances cover AND that you need to be more careful about what services you seek. You read that medical costs increase regularly. Be more sure that you need them, if you don’t want more of your “wealth” going for such.

Your two “services” to the church that do require time – the Newsletter and Session meeting’s and minutes – are both ideal uses of time for you and for the church. What you write shall not be appreciated by all, and that shall be a bit bothersome, but you are not alone in being “unappreciated”.

SAT., JULY 11, 1998, 6:53 AM

Less of your time is now “scheduled” by someone else or by continuing responsibilities… which means that increasingly you can decide, rather freely, how time will be “spent” or “used”. Naturally I tell you that your best “uses” of time is in hearing Me, Holy Spirit, and writing these Teachings… and in rereading and pondering ones I have given you in the past. For the last few days you have carried a volume with you, for re-reading, even just several at a time. I approve of such a practice.

A . . .

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