If Change Comes Fast…?

SAT., FEB. 17, 1996, 6:55 AM

The opening chapter in the book you will use in your Environment class talks about the changes that are occurring in the earth. The further emphasis is on how rapidly and simultaneously these are happening. Naturally your question should be: how is the Lord God, the Sustainer of this created planet, involved in these changes… and what is He doing to counter these.

First, I’ll assure you, yet again, that I am fully aware of all that is happening… and of more than any of you are. One possible action… or inaction… would be a form of that mythical flood that destroyed all human life except Noah and his family. Ironically, this would be the “flood” of humans, the increasing population that would destroy ecosystem after ecosystem, ending with a great die-off of human life, from starvation, disease, and violence. This is a “solution” I presently am holding back, but it could happen.

Your culture, with its Christian heritage, is, strangely, the perpetrator of the most harm. You are the symbolic reenactment of Old Testament stories of “My people”, whoring after other gods and, finally, having to be punished by Me. Yours is a whoring after individual lives and after a life with more and more production of luxuries. Further, you present this as a desirable goal, for other cultures, a “god” to seek.

Yesterday you bought fish in two forms, and you read that the fish catch has plateaued, which means less per person because of the increasing population. Will those who fish ignore the future and overfish for present profit? Will this finally be a food source that was, but is no more? How will diminished grain per person be utilized? Will I be an influence or will I allow “free will” to determine these critical decisions?

I realize that the mechanized and automated processes for producing goods and services are making an increasing number of people obsolete. (And isn’t it ironic that an atheist uttered this prophetic truth?) A few people, with no work and income, quietly accept their “fate” and pass on over. But greater numbers, in your culture, will “fight back” with criminal acts, and it will be hard to quell such forays into redistribution of wealth.

You are an educator, and this gives you a small part to play. Continue to educate toward a stable state life style, even if it seems impractical. Continue to emphasize the relationship between spirit and this sustaining, and improving, of the environment. Economically it makes as much sense to produce more and reap final destruction than to settle for balance. The spirit of cooperation, which usually has more relationship to Me, must prevail over competition. But this is almost anathema to your culture.

If change continues to come fast you wonder how it will affect this area that is your home. I have no flashing prophesy for you about this, but you do expect that the real destructive effects will not start here. Continue to simplify your life in ways that are reasonably comfortable.

I speak for the Lord God Who is the Creator of life. Yet some of this life must go in order that some might survive and continue. I am making decisions now, about what to affect and what to let continue in its present paths. By your culture’s standards whatever I do to maintain balance will not be popular.

Your time of teaching is waning, but you still have the opportunity of influencing some who will continue to educate. You should develop a presentation for the Death Education courses that you still will direct that focuses on the need for death as a part of this crucial balancing. You can draw some conclusions of your own, but offer learners the opportunity to develop and share their thoughts about death, as a part of change.

For, yes, ironically, as these changes come fast, meant to enhance and improve human life there also must be an equal change in the view of death. You have two avenues to travel in bringing such an educational message. It is a small opportunity, but it is yours. Accept it.

So let it be
8:02 AM