If Hard Times Come…

SAT., SEP. 20, 1997, 7:05 AM

You read, again yesterday, about the probability that hard economic times would come, still within your lifetime. You have been one to worry about money, even as you have always had plenty… for your own life and for needs and wants of your sons and their families. I have assured you that you shall not be in any kind of dire need. What more need I say? Well, obviously if this is going to be a complete Teaching, I must have more to share with you. Hear, o son.

You are not over extended financially, and you don’t have an ostentatious life style. As you envisioned when you bought this place over 25 years ago it could produce some food for your needs, so that you would not be as utterly dependent as many in your cities. Now that you are “almost retired” you may want to take up that challenge yet again… in preparation.

Hard economic times are a spiritual challenge that every culture needs, from time to time. I have little to do with this, actually. I guide some people toward protection from harm, but this has little effect upon a global economy, involving now billions of humans. In terms of economics I simply work with and around what humans and cultures concoct. I have almost no personal interest in the stock market or with what governments do, financially.

Hard times will increase the death rate and at least slow the growth of population. This will be harsh for some people, but some of these have been living too high, and adjustments “downward” are necessary… even good. Some of the predictions you have read are probably going to happen, but many of you are adaptable. Human actions cannot be predicted, with accuracy, given the complexity of the whole “system”. (That’s an interesting and pertinent illustration. Your lamp blinked off, due to something in this thunderstorm. What did you do, with not enough light to see what you’re writing? You pushed the button, and the light came on. You tried the easiest approach… and it worked. Thus it may be, in the future, in others matters).

I have told you that the human population must stop growing, but I am reluctant to cause some great increase in deaths. And diminishing the conception and birth processes is not easy, either. I haven’t decided on any great catastrophe, but I shall use human actions to accomplish the “no-growth” that I see as necessary. An economic recession or depression would be a means that I could use… not as immediately horrendous as earthquakes, fires, floods, or wars.

If hard times come the highest need is for faith in Me and appreciation of life, beyond desires for much that is not necessary. You must remember that this present earth experience is only a small part of your total life, and “moving on” is necessary and often more pleasant and rewarding than what you’re leaving. This has been a fundamental Christian message all through the ages… until it has been tainted by your humanistic culture’s premise that this life is all there is, so hang on to it, no matter what…

My message to and through you is that this earth experience is an important and a unique one. Live each day in joy. Enjoy every task… that you devise or that is given to you. Try to see nothing as onerous or not worthy of your best. Also just take time to be. You need not always be accomplishing. Relate well to and with others. Keep in constant contact with Me. Don’t judge the quality of your life on what you have or don’t have.

SAT., SEP. 20, 1997, 7:05 AM

You read, again yesterday, about the probability that hard economic times would come, still within your lifetime. You have been one to worry about money, even as you have always had plenty… for your own life and for needs and wants of your sons and their families. I have assured you that you shall not be in any kind of dire need. What more need I say? Well, obviously if this is going to be a complete Teaching, I must have more to share with you. Hear, o son.

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