If I Should Come To Earth…

THURS., DEC. 17, 1992, 6:46 AM

If I speak as the Holy Spirit, this is a silly and inappropriate title. I am in the earth, always have been and always will be. But this Christmas season is about My coming to earth in bodily form, as Jesus, as Emmanuel. I was born as a baby and grew up under circumstances and in ways not recorded in Holy Scripture. I had an active ministry of about 3 years, and then I both gave My life and had My earth life taken from Me by those religious leaders whom I should have influenced the most. I left the earth with the promise that I would come again, in glory, in power, and in judgment.

It now has been nearly 2,000 years since those earthly incidents, and the earth is quite a different scene than it was when I walked upon it. My influence has extended well beyond that small area where I lived and taught. My servant Paul was the first great missionary, the one to whom I gave the message that I was the Lord of the Gentiles as well as the Jews. Now it is known that I am the Lord of Asians, Africans, Pacific Islanders, and Latinos, as well as you white Caucasians. The Jews still await My first coming.

The population of the earth is very much larger than when I was here. The cities are also very much larger and more complex. Mechanical and technological development has been extensive. There is almost instant communication from anywhere to anywhere. Travel can be very rapid. The organization of societies is increasingly complex, with no clear answer as to how free individuals should be to live life as they wish or how much society should provide and control.

Economic systems are diverse, but must ultimately work together in some ways. Political systems range from anarchy to very tight control by a few. Medical skills and technology can be incredibly effective in sustaining life and in restoring function. Yet with a large population such service can only be available to a relative few and at great expense, paid in various ways. Wars continue, with more lethal weapons, including those that could make the earth uninhabitable for many years.

I have told you repeatedly that I am quite satisfied with the earth as it now functions, even as it doesn’t seem to match the principles of good living that I shared with folks, as Jesus, and continue to share through My Holy Scriptures. Yet at this time of year (for though I am outside of time I still am quite aware of the earth time and the seasons that you Christians recognize and celebrate) I have some inclinations to return.

Why would I return? To emphasize again the need for sharing, loving, and cooperative living. There is much actual and potential wealth in this earth, and this should be shared more equitably. I certainly would be a news worthy addition to conferences and meetings like unto the one your President-elect just hosted. Yet along with My principles could I offer any practical plan for this sharing and cooperation that I favor? Would I be seen as just another impractical liberal? Or would I be seen as conservative as I reemphasized My story of the faithful stewards who invested their master’s money wisely?

I would teach a respect for life but also an appreciation of the need for death. Death is that moving on to other realms, where spirit is more dominant, where life is different, certainly, but in many ways more fulfilling, particularly for some souls.

THURS., DEC. 17, 1992, 6:46 AM

If I speak as the Holy Spirit, this is a silly and inappropriate title. I am in the earth, always have been and always will be. But this Christmas season is about My coming to earth in bodily form, as Jesus, as Emmanuel. I was born as a baby and grew up under circumstances and in ways not recorded in Holy Scripture. I had an active ministry of about 3 years, and then I both gave My life and had My earth life taken from Me by those religious leaders whom . . .

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