If Not Today… ?

SAT., CINCO DE MAYO, 2001, 3:18 PM

You are having a relatively busy day, with some chores accomplished… and others, not. And so… the significance of this title: “if you don’t get it done today, there’s always tomorrow.” This is a legitimate pace for you, in retirement. Fewer things seem surgent or pressing. But you are “coming out of” a life-style where there were responsibilities and deadlines, some imposed on you and some of your own choosing. (You appreciate the good choice you made, of a professional career – one in which most of the “pressure” was from yourself, rather than from some “authority figure.” At least most of your working career was of this nature.)

You set yourself a deadline for some better order in this “room of Ours.” You have a good start on a “clean desk,” but also realize that there is now more on the table to your left than before. Desk is better… table is worse.

You are reasonably satisfied with the “start” on the cleanup, outside. You’ve made some progress, but it’s unlikely to be as you want it by Monday… so you’ll extend your deadline. As you realize, the time element is just self-imposed.

And, as you expected, I’ll say, in the midst of these various “tasks” – “the major dimension is the spiritual.” Can you recognize this as you proceed in this chapter of your life? Mark was a fine help in splitting logs and nearly filling your woodshed. It was important that you paid him as you did, but equally vital that you shared some iced tea and some words of thanks and friendship with him, as work was done. His is a good, but rather hectic life… but not much different from yours, when you (and your family) were of his age.

You have some thoughts about your body as it shows further “deterioration.” Adapt. Adjust. If there is less health in your body, your spirit must compensate. I’ll help you seek and achieve the best balance, but… give it your best… and accept what results therefrom. Be as healthy as you can be, with the losses of present… and future.

As you muse on the places you have lived, in this life, as Bob Russell (in its several “ages”) you see “good times” in all of them, but satisfaction in this place and lifestyle that is yours now. You wonder whether you will revisit any of these in the coming years. You’re presently ambivalent about the 2002 Luau at Punahou. That class of ’52 was a favorite of yours, but… how “successful” would a visit be? Well, you don’t have to decide that for some time, but it will not be an easy choice – to go… or not.

You see a list before you, of people you should write to (and it was good to hear from old friend, Henri, today), all of these folks being important to you, in the past or in a kind of “resurrected memory.” Keep the list on this desk, and follow through on some urges to “keep in touch.”

Would that your feet were healed, and that walking, even running, were comfortable and fun again. You realize that these nearly 5 months of relative inactivity, of the physical ilk, has left you weaker and less inclined to do the hard exercising that COULD bring you back to where you were last Fall. I see that you are taking opportunities to “rebuild,” and of these, and more, I approve. You will never return to “what you were,” but you needn’t be as weak as you are now.

Another Ruminations is now past due, and it should come from the Teachings you’ve been carrying around for some time. The theme will come to you, as you take time to go over these “post-walk” pages. You know I always guide you in this… and I will now, also.

See if you can find some of your notes on your Cuban adventure… even some of the tapes you made. It should be interesting to hear your Dean tell of his impressions… more so if you can refresh your mind and spirit… in how it seemed to you.

SAT., CINCO DE MAYO, 2001, 3:18 PM

You are having a relatively busy day, with some chores accomplished… and others, not. And so… the significance of this title: “if you don’t get it done today, there’s always tomorrow.” This is a legitimate pace for you, in retirement. Fewer things seem surgent or pressing. But you are “coming out of” a life-style where there were responsibilities and deadlines, some imposed on you and some of your own choosing. (You appreciate the good choice you made, of a professional career – one in which most of the . . .

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