If, With All Your Heart…

TUES., JUNE 16, 1992, 6:50 AM

The words to this fine song are running through your head, so let Me be adaptable and use these as the theme for this first relatively early morning Teaching here in Hawaii. You may sing them today… you may not. They do represent a truth about My relationship with many humans. But not with you.

The truth of which I speak is that if you do seek Me, with all your heart you shall truly find Me, and the relationship shall be established. I do respond as spirits turn to Me in a true seeking way. And yet I may not come as the seeker envisions… or the seeker may be “half-hearted” in her search. Thus, all who claim they seek Me do not find what they envision, but many do, and life is wonderfully different after such a “find.”

You are part of the complementary truth: I also seek, and I want you to respond with all your heart. You are not responding in this “all” fashion which is so desirable, and yet I continue to seek you. I can leave some people free to choose Me or not to chose Me. But it wouldn’t be as much fun if I took only one approach. Remember that I love variety and diversity. I choose you, an above-average, middle-of-the-road, non-charismatic Christian as one to learn from Me through frequent Teachings. I also chose Bible-waving, loud, enthusiastic evangels… and quiet, contemplative monks.

And, out of My love for variety (and not perversity) I let sincere seminary students wait, until they seek Me with all their hearts. Some stop trying; others do continue to seek until I respond, in some way satisfactory to them, individually.

There is some value, certainly, in giving yourself completely to Me or to some cause or organization. I like true dedication, and some of the best causes and aspects of My church have been successful because some one person gave it their ALL. My original servant Paul (there have been lots of Pauls since, of course) was one who came to Me with his whole being, but you remember that I first sought him and called him dramatically. He did cry out, from time to time, that “some of him” resisted the good I would have him do, but most of this was just an acknowledgment that he was a sinner, a strong teaching that he had from Me.

Yet remember that the human is, ultimately, My creation, perfect in imperfection. I have crated you to be imperfect, some quite so. Those who have done great evil or have led evil movements are not servants of Mine, but they are part of My creation… and I have quite enough power to remove them, if I should desire. You have no idea of the potential evil I have prevented, except as I have mentioned nuclear war. What you have experienced… or anyone here in the earth, is only a shadow of what could have happened, had I not loved this earth and its many life forms, as I do.

With all My “heart” I want humans to grow in spirit as they are incarnated here in the earth. Because I have created a variety of people, there must be a variety of circumstances and experiences that encourage the spiritual growth that I desire. It is not yours to judge which are the “good” ones, and which the “bad”. An experience that abets enlightenment in one diminishes the spirit in another. You are aware that there are no major changes that could come about in your culture without these hurting some. I want the weapons of war to be destroyed and made no more, but I see the hardship and heartbreak that brings to those whose living, in monetary terms, came from that industry.

TUES., JUNE 16, 1992, 6:50 AM

The words to this fine song are running through your head, so let Me be adaptable and use these as the theme for this first relatively early morning Teaching here in Hawaii. You may sing them today… you may not. They do represent a truth about My relationship with many humans. But not with you.

The truth of which I speak is that if you do seek Me, with all your heart you shall truly find Me, and the relationship shall be established. I do respond as spirits turn . . .

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With all My heart I want peace, and still I see the spiritual growth that comes to some in wartime. With all My heart I want the resources of the world to be more evenly distributed, but I see some who do seem to earn more, by hard, diligent work and sacrifice.

I don’t ask for ALL of your heart now. Maybe that will come as the pleasures and responsibilities of your earth life recede. Mystically I give you all of Me, even as I am simultaneously involved with many, many others. I just want more of your attention and your spirit, as the years progress. You’ll be happier, now and on beyond.

Thus sayeth the Spirit
7:55 AM