
THURS., AUG. 12, 1993, 6:06 AM

This is the negative term, which designates some departures from full total functioning. Ill health has many forms, from mild departures to those that virtually consume the personality. And, to your surprise, somewhat, I have some words and ideas for you on this theme, o son.

The worst kind of ill-health, from My perspective, is distance or departure from Me. At the other extreme one may be sick or injured in body, but this increases attention to and on Me. (Such occasions of ill-health, technically, I like.) For the kind of functioning that is of most interest to Me is spiritual. This is My bias, but I shall be holistic and say that you should include the other dimensions also.

You watched a comedy/farce last evening that depicted the unhealthy mental patient… unhealthy in emotions and attitudes… as being friendly in such simple ways that people naturally liked him, which, in real life, is usually an indication of a strong spirit (that can be hampered by unhealthy emotions). Then there was the therapist who was intellectually healthy, but, as pictured, this interfered with his social relations, and he wasn’t liked. In the story he became unhealthier as his patient became healthier… and you watched his spirit crumble.

By your culture’s definition Chris in in a condition of ill-health, for cancer is your second leading cause of death and a condition that brings on total ill-health. Yet, as I’ve told you, Chris’ spirit is strong, and it is keeping her in this state of very mild ill-health, from My perspective. Just as Dr. Marvin’s health deteriorated because it was based in the intellect, so Chris’ health remains only mildly ill, because of her spirit, and its effect on her attitudes.

Your shoulder condition is one of a series of minor experiences of ill-health which I use to test your spirit… and to exercise it. It is bothersome, but not nearly as much a threat to your functioning as the experiences with your legs, ten years apart. I have given you the basic prescription for a return to full health, and you are not doing as well in carrying it out as with other conditions. Perhaps this shall improve as the university resumes, for your spirit is not opposing this… just not fully embracing it.

You see and, mostly, hear of the health problems Jim and Bobbie are experiencing. You are thankful you are not in such conditions, but you are pulling away too much, for one who would be maximally healthy. You should be more appreciative of the health each still has and not focus, as they tend to do, on their ills and their medications and other treatments. Their ill-health thus becomes a test of your health.

John Patrick’s particular kind of ill-health is socioeconomic. His business has “fizzled” for the time, and their income is too meager. This is bound to have effects on one his age, effects which could bring down his spirit. As I have told you, you must help as you can, but he must make decisions and take actions that restore his health. His spirit is still strong, but it can be affected by this money condition.

THURS., AUG. 12, 1993, 6:06 AM

This is the negative term, which designates some departures from full total functioning. Ill health has many forms, from mild departures to those that virtually consume the personality. And, to your surprise, somewhat, I have some words and ideas for you on this theme, o son.

The worst kind of ill-health, from My perspective, is distance or departure from Me. At the other extreme one may be sick or injured in body, but this increases attention to and on Me. (Such occasions of ill-health, technically, I like.) For the . . .

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