I’m A Versatile God

SUN., FEB. 19, 1995, 5:29 AM

As you continue to reread this small book, read first some 30 years ago, you can see that I was “working with you” at that earlier time, helping to shape a somewhat unorthodox perception of Me, for you as a Presbyterian Christian. This morning I shall comment on this by proclaiming that I’m quite a versatile God. Listen and hear, o son.

I am the Creator God, and what I have caused to be presents quite a variety. Life, in many forms, exists in sizes, from the microscopic to the huge. In humans size varies and also shape, color, nature of hair, lips, and eyes. I see a wide range of intelligence, of physical strength and dexterity, and of other characteristics. And true to this picture of diversity there are many ways in which this range of humans perceives Me… and also a range in understanding of how differently I am perceived and “attended to” by other humans.

But, you see, I am quite a versatile God. I am the Supreme Spirit, but I manifest this Spirit in an incredible range of ways. I encourage and accept worship in many forms. I am much more amused than troubled by a small portion in every age who deliberately or naively try to use Me in some profane ways. Yet even many of these abominations turn out to have value as they cause some of My good servants to be truer to what I would have them be.

It can be confusing, I know, to see so much variety in Scriptures in traditions, and in practices, all in relation to Me. I can be seen as distant and unknowable… or as a very part of you, with you a part of Me. I can be gracious, loving, and forgiving… and also stern, demanding, and quick to punish. Evil is seen variously, from being of Me, for My purposes, to being a competing force that I truly can’t control and which is more in control of this earth than I am.

I tell you that Christianity is My favorite religion, but I obviously don’t offer this same message to all of My creation. Christianity has flourished and has more “adherents” than any other single approach to Me, yet this is still not a majority of humankind. And, of course, this Christianity takes many forms, from the highly liturgical and mystical to the rational and intellectual, to the free, emotional, and mystical. And I am the God to which all of these “forms” point… quite a versatile God.

You smiled at the description of the Protestant churches, like unto your own. You smiled because the description was fairly accurate… and you feel quite comfortable in such a church. At this point in your life you are not overly eager to experience a wide range of religious practice, even as this latest reading experience encourages you to appreciate more the orthodox service you shall experience next month with Michael and his family.

Also, as I am telling you in this current re-experience, I am a playful God, quite sure of My power and thus comfortable in My playfulness. I am mostly aware of consequences, but I mostly just “let things happen” and then adapt to these consequences. I can control every action here in the earth, but I don’t… never have, never will. Hear again My interpretation to you of the Eden story. These original humans were too obedient, too satisfied with what I was providing. (It was supreme welfare.) So I created a beguiling serpent and announced a tempting taboo. They succumbed to doing what I told them not to do, which brought forth a better sense of good and evil. And was I forgiving? Not at all. Out they went, to a life of work and procreation. (And you notice that I was doing some other creating, for there were wives for these sons of “the original pair.”)

SUN., FEB. 19, 1995, 5:29 AM

As you continue to reread this small book, read first some 30 years ago, you can see that I was “working with you” at that earlier time, helping to shape a somewhat unorthodox perception of Me, for you as a Presbyterian Christian. This morning I shall comment on this by proclaiming that I’m quite a versatile God. Listen and hear, o son.

I am the Creator God, and what I have caused to be presents quite a variety. Life, in many forms, exists in sizes, from the microscopic to the . . .

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