I’m Compromising

MON., APR. 12, 1993, 6:24 AM

Remember, o son, some of the absolutes I have expressed to you. The central one is that I am absolute in knowledge of what is and what will be AND I have absolute power to do whatever I wish and whatever seems best, given this absolute knowledge. Another one, just for you, is that if you misunderstand what I communicate to you or write it in such a way that another misinterprets it, I shall correct that, at another time, in another Teaching. Finally, it is an absolute fact that I so speak somewhat differently to different servants of Mine. Some of what Paul wrote about the end of life seems pretty silly, even as it is Holy Scripture. Yet that was My message to him, at that time, and there is still some truth in it.

John Patrick talked to you on Saturday about a Teaching concerning abortion that he found to be “far out.” This is one of My compromises, even as I continue to energize some of those who are conscientiously pro-life. I love human life, and I continue to be rather liberal in allowing conceptions to occur. Yet, and I say it again, I am the supreme “ecologist,” and I see the harm that is coming increasingly, caused by more and more of you humans, your needs, and your developing wants. I just must compromise, if I am to continue this earth as I designed it and with the freedom I have allowed you humans. I could control, absolutely. I could determine exactly what would happen, with human free will “taken back.” Then the earth would be like other realms of Mine and would not have the value it has now in promoting spiritual growth.

I’m compromising when I allow wars to start and continue. I was the One who said, “Turn the other cheek” and “Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you.” Thus, it clearly is a compromise when I allow, even encourage wars and other conflicts. I am the Prince of Peace, and still I said I had come to bring a sword rather than peace, and once I did attack the money changers, even as I understood their value to the sacrificial process. In this season just past, in your culture, I could have expressed wrath at merchants who use Easter to hawk innumerable trivia, some of it bought by good Christians.

I love you humans, and I do want you to be comfortable, but I am compromising when I allow the manufacture of so much that makes for comfort in a developed culture. Your home is certainly not “state of the art,” but it does contain much that I would call luxuries, not absolutely necessary for the growth of your spirit. And the growth of your spirit is absolutely the only reason you… any of you… are here on this earth. Your work is important, but not prime. Planting is important, but not prime. Being good and charitable with others is a good, but it is prime only as it represents the expression and growth of spirit.

Now I realize, absolutely, that there are many humans, in every culture, who are wasting the time they have, here in the earth. They are consciously not sufficiently concern about spirit development or they simply are acting in ways that degrade spirit rather than enrich it. I’m compromising when I allow this to happen. Free will is a gigantic compromise with the purpose of life in the earth. Free will is a means, not an end. It is given and allowed rather than deserved. I can take it back, gently, as I have with you, or quite forcibly.

MON., APR. 12, 1993, 6:24 AM

Remember, o son, some of the absolutes I have expressed to you. The central one is that I am absolute in knowledge of what is and what will be AND I have absolute power to do whatever I wish and whatever seems best, given this absolute knowledge. Another one, just for you, is that if you misunderstand what I communicate to you or write it in such a way that another misinterprets it, I shall correct that, at another time, in another Teaching. Finally, it is an absolute fact that I . . .

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