I’m Part Of Your Story.. Always?

WED., JUNE 10, 1998, 10:09 AM

One of those marvelous moments in your life (and the life of every human attuned to spirit as the essence of life) was just yours to enjoy. It was a time of talking with Joe and sharing some of what We do together. He has asked for the story of how this began, and I’m sure you shall take him aside some day soon for this tale of My Initiative.

This was a clear, almost dramatic interchange in the hallway before the Summer Session officially commences… not much interruption. I’m pleased to see that you are increasingly comfortable in talking about Our relationship and about this unique gift I continue to offer you. There is less and less reason for concern about how others will react. We are into Our 20th year, and you have kept these Teachings in reasonable order (except for the latest ones, on Our Table), so there is some tangible history to what you claim.

Emeritus is your status now. You have had your career, and it certainly was above average… which gives you some status, from which to “be” who you are now… one primarily concerned with the spiritual dimension to this “thing” called health. You can be accepted, even admired, as a “veteran”. If you are not accepted for who you are now there is very little trauma to such “rejection”.

Yes, o son, I am part of your story, and I want to be an increasing factor in how you are and how you are perceived. You know your story, you think, but I challenge you to review it with some regularity, even being surprised at some “new” aspects that I shall help you see.

I’ll repeat here one of My consistent admonitions: be more aware of spirit in the events and circumstances of life AND appreciate how spirit can make almost any happening a more “full one”.

Let’s consider today, thus far… you weren’t appreciative enough of the beautiful morning, before 6 AM. You did appreciate your dogs, showing love for them and accepting such from them. You could have done your chores with a more positive spirit. There was good spirit in the breakfast/Bible study, and you contributed and gained from the Wednesday morning “benchmark”. You were more appreciative of the spirit in that Wellness Center, and you are now aware that you can almost eliminate the discomfort of that one treatment, with a more positive spirit. In the future, be less and less of a patient and more and more one fully participating in the spirit of healing and recovery of function.

Then there was the conversation with Joe, with an invitation for more. And there is more in store for the rest of the day. Just remember that I am always with you, achieving an obviously perfect balance between influencing and guiding you AND observing how your spirit leads you in the life it is now your pleasure to lead.

You did as I suggested, in completing the Encyclopedia project and sending your reactions off this morning. My reasons for this “suggestion” were two fold: you’re a bit better prepared now to compose Our Ruminations on a parallel theme… AND… you shall now receive a check, a contribution from the Corporation, but actually from Me. You just have to accept that I am more directly involved in your life story than I am in the lives of most humans… and I am having fun in this process.

You see, it is My fundamental Way not to be active in the lives of most of you humans. You can call it free will… and that’s about what it is for most of you. But I, Holy Spirit, also have a Will, and I am described as the “wind”, that can “blow” when, where, how, and with whom I choose.

WED., JUNE 10, 1998, 10:09 AM

One of those marvelous moments in your life (and the life of every human attuned to spirit as the essence of life) was just yours to enjoy. It was a time of talking with Joe and sharing some of what We do together. He has asked for the story of how this began, and I’m sure you shall take him aside some day soon for this tale of My Initiative.

This was a clear, almost dramatic interchange in the hallway before the Summer Session officially commences… not much interruption. I . . .

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